Ephesians 3:20 – Infinitely More!

Today’s SuperVerse is Ephesians 3:20 – Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us

Hey kids guess what Professor Quantum Just upgraded my Advanced mathematical Logicator circuitry so I can try and Solve an equation that is inspired by Today’s super verse let us read it now Shall we Ephesians 3 20 says now oh glory to God Who is able through his mighty power at Work within us to accomplish infinitely More than we might ask or think Hmm infinitely more I wonder how much That is and this is why I had Professor Quantum update my mathematical Programming okay multiply that by three And then carry that as if we divide by The radius of Saturn multiplied by the Force of gravity Speed Of Moonlight and Transmogified pi to the 70s the limit Does not exist inside relative space to The power the average velocity over Displaced over the change in time Even with my new Advanced mathematical Circuitry it would take me trillions and Trillions of years to calculate all of The different things that God can Accomplish and even then I still would Not be able to count all that he can do It is more than we can ever imagine Infinitely more but what is even greater Is the fact that God has invited us to Do all these great things with him God Uses Us in ways that we would never Expect like the author of today’s super Verse Paul before he met God he used to

Hate and persecute Christians then Paul’d experienced God’s power in a Miraculous way and after that God was Able to use him to do miraculous things And share Christ’s love with the world If we humble ourselves and stay faithful To God then he can work within us to Accomplish an infinite number of great Things as well You can see the miraculous things God Has done for his people in the Superbook Bible app watch full episodes of Superbook and play awesome games today Goodbye

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