Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – 118 – Go! – Matthew 28:19

Hey there! Join Gizmo each day for some fun and exciting Bible lessons on “Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – 118 – Go! – Matthew 28:19.” In today’s Superverse, we’ll be looking at Matthew 28:19, where Jesus tells his followers to go and make disciples of all nations. He wants us to spread the good news and build relationships with people from every language and nation, leading them into a relationship with Jesus through love and prayer. So, no matter where someone is from or what language they speak, the gospel is for everyone. If you want to learn more about sharing the gospel, don’t forget to check out the free Superbook Bible app where you can also play games and watch Superbook episodes. See you next time, friends!

Hey, guess what? Gizmo is back with another exciting Bible lesson for you on “Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – 118 – Go! – Matthew 28:19.” This time, we’re diving deep into Matthew 28:19, where Jesus gives his final word to his followers, urging them to go and make disciples of all nations. It’s a powerful verse that reminds us that the gospel is meant for everyone, regardless of where they’re from or what language they speak. By spending time with God, loving others, and sharing the good news, we can lead others into a relationship with Jesus and show them the same love that God has shown us. So, let’s get going and spread the word! Adios, sayonara, and avoir! And remember, if you’re interested in learning more about sharing the gospel, check out the Superbook Bible app for free. You can also enjoy games and watch Superbook episodes, so don’t miss out. See you next time, my friends!

Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – 118 – Go! – Matthew 28:19

Gizmos Daily Bible Byte - 118 - Go! - Matthew 28:19

Summary of Matthew 28:19

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus gives his final words to his followers before ascending to Heaven. He commands them to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This verse emphasizes the importance of spreading the gospel and building relationships with people from every nation and language.

Jesus’s final words to his followers

As a follower of Jesus, you share a special connection with him. Jesus’s final words to his followers are a call to action, urging them to go and make disciples of all the nations. This shows the importance that Jesus places on spreading the good news and sharing the love of God with others. By proclaiming his message to the world, you continue the work that Jesus started.

The importance of spreading the gospel

Spreading the gospel is not just a suggestion, but a command from Jesus himself. The gospel holds the power to transform lives, and by sharing it with others, you have the opportunity to bring hope, joy, and salvation into their lives. The gospel is not meant to be kept to oneself, but to be shared with everyone. Each person you encounter is a potential disciple and by sharing the good news, you can help them find a personal relationship with Jesus.

Building relationships with others

One of the key elements in spreading the gospel is building relationships with others. Jesus wants us to spend time with people and show them love, just as he has shown us. By investing in relationships, we gain trust and credibility, allowing us to authentically share our faith. Building relationships also allows us to understand the needs of others, both spiritually and emotionally, and provide support and guidance along their journey.

Sharing the good news

Sharing the good news is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. As believers, we have the responsibility to continually share the message of salvation and grace. This can be done through conversations, church events, community outreach, and various forms of media. It’s important to find creative and relevant ways to communicate the gospel, making it accessible and relatable to different individuals and cultures.

Praying for others

In addition to sharing the good news, prayer plays a vital role in spreading the gospel. Praying for others opens up their hearts and minds to God’s love and guidance. It allows us to intercede on behalf of those who have yet to know Jesus and ask for their hearts to be receptive to the message. Prayer is a powerful tool that can soften hearts and create opportunities for conversations about faith.

The universal nature of the gospel

The gospel transcends barriers of language, culture, and nationality. Jesus’s command to make disciples of all the nations reflects the universal nature of the gospel. No matter where someone is from or what language they speak, the message of salvation is for everyone. As followers of Jesus, it is our responsibility to embrace diversity, celebrate different cultures, and bridge the gap between people by sharing the love and grace of God.

No barriers of language or nationality

Language and nationality should never be barriers when it comes to sharing the gospel. Thanks to technology and translation resources, we have the ability to communicate the message of Jesus in different languages and reach people from various backgrounds. The goal is not just to have individuals hear the gospel, but to truly understand it and experience a life-transforming relationship with Jesus. By utilizing available resources and adapting to cultural contexts, we can effectively communicate the gospel to people all around the world.


Jesus’s final words to his followers in Matthew 28:19 serve as a reminder of our mission as believers. We are called to go and make disciples of all the nations, spreading the good news of salvation and building relationships with people from every background. Language and nationality should never be barriers, as the gospel is for everyone. By sharing the love of God, praying for others, and embracing diversity, we can lead others into a relationship with Jesus and fulfill the command given by our Savior. Let us be bold in our faith and obedient to Jesus’s words, knowing that through us, lives can be forever changed.

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