Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – Psalm 51:7 – Good As New!

Today’s Superverse is Psalm 51:7Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
 wash me, and I will be whiter than snow

Good As New – Psalm 51:7

A great psalm for those who have struggled with guilt and shame. It is a prayer that God will forgive us and make our hearts clean. It is also a prayer that God will use our confession of sin to lead others to Him.

We can find many things in this psalm that encourage us. It is an excellent prayer for our souls, and it will help us to grow in our relationship with God.

Our Need for Cleansing

We have all sinned and have fallen short of God’s standards. Our sins have covered our bodies in filth and stained our lives to the very roots of our being. Only the washing power of Christ can remove these stains and make us pure in His sight.

The washing of the Spirit is necessary to become clean in Christ and to be a witness for Him (see 1 John 3:5, 6). This is the basis of our faith.

Our Need for Repentance

It is important to take time to truly repent of our sins. We can do this through regular Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.

Our Need for Humility

We can develop humility through obedience to our confessed sins, and the teaching of others about the truth of their sins. We can do this through the Holy Spirit filling our hearts with love and compassion for other sinners.

Our Need for Restoration

After we have confessed our sins, we need to ask God to restore our joy and our desire to obey Him. When we have these things we will be able to teach other sinners about the Lord. This will lead to them being converted and submitting to Him.

Good As New  Psalm 517

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