Today’s Superverse is Psalms 119:11 – Your Word in Our Hearts
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11 is a great encouragement to store up God’s word in our hearts. We should not allow sin to rule our lives. Keeping God’s Word in our hearts cleanses our hearts and enables us to live holy lives.
Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the Bible. It contains 22 units of eight verses each. The psalm was likely written over time.
Throughout the psalm, the author refers to the written revelation of God in many different ways.
In the midst of this praise, the psalmist asks God to give him instruction. He also prays for freedom to obey the Word of God. Ultimately, he wants to experience the love of God.
God’s Word is a living and powerful force. As the psalmist writes, it brings joy as great as riches. But what is its purpose? When we are obedient to God’s Word, we are free to live a life of liberty.
Many commentators argue that the psalm was composed in the post-exilic period. Others say that it was a psalm of David. Regardless of its origin, Psalm 119:11 is an encouraging reminder to store God’s Word in our hearts.
It is not surprising that the psalmist praised God for the wonders of His Word. The author of Psalm 119 was a great lover of the word of God.