God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation

God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation: The Bible says that sin promises us things that it can never give and cannot give us. The truth of God’s word can combat this deception. To begin to overcome temptation, learn a scripture that addresses your particular temptation. For example, memorize the verse that confronts the sin directly: “Satisfaction comes only from God.”

1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

Jesus Christ is your refuge

When you are tempted to sin, remember that your spiritual strength is not in yourself. Instead, seek help from God and His Word. In scripture, you will find answers to your questions about sin. You will also be reminded of Jesus’ example. While He suffered the same temptations as you, He refused to fall under temptations. This is why He calls the Bible His “sword of the Spirit.”

God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation

Ephesians 6:17 “and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,”

He is with you when you face temptation

Whenever you are tempted to do wrong, remember that God promises you an escape pod. He will make you feel His glory and you will have no desire for sin. Print the verse above and put it somewhere visible in your home. It is a powerful reminder to stay away from sin. When you struggle with temptation, share the article with someone you know and encourage them to remember this verse. It will keep you from being tempted by evil.

He enables you to obey His commands

The kingdom of God began as a mustard seed, and through Jesus, it grew from a small beginning to become the largest faith in the world. Having overcome cultural resistance to His message, Jesus had the power to force people to obey God. Temptation, after all, promises counterfeit benefits, and Jesus’ response was to use the power of God to meet those needs. In doing so, He enables you to obey His commands in overcoming temptation.

He is your sword

God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation

In order to battle temptation successfully, you must know the Word of God. You should arm yourself with His Word before temptation strikes. The following are ways you can equip yourself to successfully face temptation. I’ll list two of them: scriptures and the sword of the Spirit. The Bible provides an incredible amount of information and helps you combat temptation. The Bible is your best weapon against Satan. You must know both to fight off temptation successfully.

He is your armor

As a Christian, you have spiritual armor. It is not like clothes you can mix and match or a new set of clothes to wear during a different season. You have to wear it daily, by faith. In Ephesians 6:17-18, Paul describes the armor we wear as the “sword of the Spirit,” which is a passage of Scripture from the entire Bible. It is this sword that protects us and helps us fight against the temptations we face.

God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation

He is your shield

Despite the fact that temptation is a very common part of life, God will not allow you to be tempted beyond your capacity. In other words, He will always provide a way out for you. Being tempted does not make you a bad person or a weak Christian. It simply means that you have not yet fully accepted Christ as your Savior. When this happens, you are apt to fall back into the same old pattern of behavior that was present before Jesus came into the world.

Thoughts To Ponder

He is with you when you fight against sin

When you wrestle with temptation, remember that He is with you. He is the same Lord who battles with the devil. When you give yourself over to the Lord, the power of sin is weakened. If you let sin rule your life, it will never end. Therefore, fight with God’s strength and His words. You can overcome the power of sin and overcome temptation. Here are four key principles to fight against sin.

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God’s Promises For Children and Family

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