God Sees and is Aware of EVERYTHING You Go Through – Genesis 16:13

God sees and is aware of EVERYTHING you go through  Genesis 1613

When you are going through tough times in life, sometimes you feel like you are all alone. In these moments, it can help to know that God sees and is aware of every situation you encounter.

You will be amazed to find out that God has seen your thoughts and feelings. You will also experience a flurry of tears and your hair standing on end.

Knowing that God is watching over you, will strengthen your faith and give you the strength you need. If you are having trouble, pray and ask God to help you. He will show Himself faithful and will guide you through the trials and difficulties you face.

Many people have experienced a difficult time and feel like they are all alone. They may even feel like they are being mistreated. However, God is always watching over you. And when you pray, you will see Him and know that He cares about you.

Despite the fact that men and women are often swayed by their own will, God will never leave you. His loving presence will comfort you in the midst of adversity.

God knows what is best for you. As long as you keep walking in the right direction, He will protect and guide you.

In Genesis 16, we read about a woman named Hagar. She was an Egyptian maidservant. Her life with Sarai was not happy. After Sarai and Abram hijacked her, Hagar was forced to leave her home. During this time, Hagar became pregnant. It was then that she met the Angel of the LORD.

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