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Grace can move mountains of guilt and Shame Grace can flood your days in the Desert with streams of Living Water Grace can bring you through the fire of Adversity without the smell of smoke Being upon you Grace is the unmerited favor of God you Can’t buy it you can’t earn it you can Only receive it because God is so glad To give it Grace is an ocean without a Shoreline Grace has no limit God’s grace will give you a new Beginning God’s grace is greater than your sin God’s grace is greater than all your Faults and failures And it’s the only thing that can truly Heal you God’s grace comes to Really not walk the way that they should Walk and yet his grace and his Mercy is Extended to every single person that Will believe him that will come that Will humble themselves under his mighty Hand So often we think that God is only Interested into quote good people the People that have it all together people That never make mistakes never give into Temptation if your performance is good Enough then you can expect God’s Goodness the truth is it’s just the Opposite when you blow it God doesn’t

Turn away from you he turns to you his Grace comes looking for you Jesus told a Parable about a Shepherd that had a Hundred sheep but one of them went Astray the shepherd left the 99 and went Looking for the one what was that Grace Came looking you can be high on drugs And Grace is looking for you you can be Working in the wrong kind of place is Grace is looking for you you can be Cheating people dishonest no integrity And God will leave the 99 and come after You you can be discouraged depressed About to give up on life the good news Is right now Grace is looking for you You may have made mistakes you’re not Where you want to be in life you could Easily sit on the sidelines let the Accusing voices convince you that you’re All washed up nothing good is in your Future no right now Grace is coming to You God is saying I’m not mad at you I’m Madly in love with you I’m not holding Anything against you I’m not keeping a Record of your mistakes I’m not even Interested in your past I’m interested In your future friends it doesn’t matter To God where you’ve been it matters to God where you’re going that’s why he’s Coming after you that’s why he won’t Leave you alone his grace will never Give up he loves you too much to let you Miss your destiny you can turn away Again and again and again but you know

What Grace will keep coming wherever you Go Grace will keep looking you can’t Outrun the grace of God you can’t do too Much wrong to keep it away you can’t Turn away too many times God’s grace Will keep coming saying I’ve got Something better I’ve got forgiveness I’ve got Mercy I’ve got restoration I’ve Got a new beginning if you will shake Off the guilt the condemnation start Making choices that honor God he’ll Bless you in spite of your mistakes He’ll make something great out of your Life in spite of your past God never gives up on you don’t give up On yourself receive the grace believe That there’s something amazing in your Future the scripture says God came to Seek and to save those that are lost Seek means to go after to pursue to Track down even when we run away God Runs to us even when we don’t measure up God says that’s okay I forgive you Anyway For Joel he doesn’t deserve it it was His fault he brought the trouble on Himself that’s what Grace is all about You can’t earn it you don’t have to be Good enough It’s a free gift all you have to do is Receive it listen the price has already Been paid 2 000 years ago it’s not our Goodness it’s God’s goodness God has Made us Worthy

But we think you know God’s never going To help me I brought this trouble on Myself but think of it as a father Imagine our son Jonathan may be five Years old I hear hear him screaming Daddy come help me I look outside and He’s hanging from a tree branch kind of High in the air holding on for dear life If he falls he’s going to get hurt I Wouldn’t say hang on Jonathan let me Think about how good you’ve been lately Victoria has Jonathan been cleaning his Room has he been treating his sister Right dad hurry come help me just a Second Jonathan I got to check your Report card that wouldn’t even enter Into my mind that’s my son I’m gonna do Anything I can to help him [Music] That’s the way our heavenly father is Even when you make the mistake even when You bring the trouble on yourself God Is So merciful he says I’ll still help you To get out that’s why it’s called Amazing Grace you don’t deserve it you Didn’t earn it it’s just the goodness of God [Music] Foreign [Music]

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