Jesus Has Conquered the Grave He Is Mighty To Save

Jesus Has Conquered the Grave He Is Mighty To Save

After Adam’s Fall, man became estranged from God and can only be restored through the sacrifice of blood.

That was precisely what Jesus did: his great power saved multitudes of sinners – even the worst of sinners! All through its saving power he brought hope.

1. He Is The Resurrection

Christianity centers on Jesus’s resurrection. This audacious claim–that a God-Man died and was buried, yet now lives eternally–is at the core of its belief system.

He has overcome death and sin; He can bring life back into those who are dead and take away its sting.

His resurrection is attested to by hundreds of eyewitnesses in the New Testament, proving He is both God and Messiah. Furthermore, His resurrection gives hope for a lasting salvation when we trust in Christ for salvation.

2. He Is The Life

Jesus stated that He is the source of all life; not simply that He had physical existence but that He could restore life to fallen humans.

Life, in the Bible, often signifies light, happiness, fulfillment, and orderliness; as well as activity and progression.

As Jesus rode into Jerusalem for his final time and began his ministry, he preached eternal spiritual life now and bodily reincarnation after death. This kingdom promise was first preached by prophets before becoming reality through Jesus’ ministry of restoration – something life-giving, transformative, and powerful!

3. He Is The Power

The Lord God Almighty chose to exercise His omnipotent power through His only begotten Son, whom He sent into this world as man. Jesus fulfilled God’s law; suffered its penalty; expiated transgression by shedding His blood (there being no forgiveness without this sacrifice), thus fulfilling the words: “Without bloodshed, there can be no remission of sins”.

He is powerful enough to save those who come to Him with faith, repent, and are truly sorry. He can even transform a heart hostile toward holiness into one inclined toward worshipping Him, forcing those who disdain His name to bow the knee in submission and worship.

He is powerful enough to save every soul willing to surrender themselves unto Him, forgiving those guilty and purifying every foul thought.

4. He Is The Way

Christians who take an interest in Christ find eternal spiritual life. Additionally, through Jesus’s precious blood they are redeemed. Through this one great sacrifice they can access God’s throne for prayer and enter Heaven as righteous Christians.

But Jesus wasn’t finished explaining His plan to His disciples. He went on to state, “Those who believe in the name of Jesus can become children of God – born not of natural descent or human decision or husband will but from above!” John 1:12-13. Jesus truly is the way!

5. He Is The Truth

Jesus Christ is God incarnate, taking to flesh what was hinted at through Mosaic Law and making it real in himself. John refers to Him as “the Truth,” and that sentiment can be found throughout Chapters 13-17 of John.

Truth can often be seen as subjective; for some it can be cultural consensus which can vary with time and culture. Yet biblically speaking, truth is ontological; it emanates directly from God’s character and nature – it’s His expression; without Him it becomes meaningless and devoid of substance.

6. He Is The Life Of The World

Trusting in Jesus for salvation brings everlasting life. Only He is capable of offering forgiveness of sins and the promise of everlasting life; His sacrifice on the cross was an infinitely perfect expression of Divine justice that made a real difference – for you!

The Bible asserts that Jesus is God in human form. He is both the Word and Creator of all creation, while simultaneously saving humankind as King and Lord of all kingdoms.

Ultimately, this song serves as an affirmation of faith: that Jesus’ grace, power, and love is enough for all our needs in our lives. He can move mountains to save those drowning; He can calm raging thoughts of evil so we may experience peace.

Jesus Has Conquered The Grave He Is Mighty To Save

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