Hebrews 10:35 – Don’t Cast Away Your Confidence

Today’s Superverse is Hebrews 10:35 – So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.

In this verse from Hebrews, the writer shifts away from theory toward practical exhortation. He encourages his readers to persevere despite suffering and persecution by pointing out that their eternal reward will far outstrip anything on Earth – providing believers a “knowing” which keeps them strong while experiencing hardship or persecution – personal humiliation, public shame, economic oppression or the plundering of possessions are just some of the trials and hardships endured faithfully during trials such as these. The Hebrews writers urge their readers not only endure these trials & hardships faithfully but persevering faithfully by providing knowledge that will surpass any worldly possessions in earthly rewards – promising great eternal rewards will await them beyond earthly ones! In this verse the Hebrews writer encourages readers not only with hope but encourages them not abandoning faith when encountering persecution but encourages them not give up hope through perils, persecution or any earthly possessions promised them. They assures them of greater riches to come through endurance such as personal humiliation public shame economic oppression as well as plundering of possessions through perseverance enduring many hardships endured faithfully by this passage in this letter from Hebrews writers that never cease being there at some future stage.

Trials and tribulations were necessary in bringing sinful men closer to God, yet sacrifices required in maintaining that fellowship could never fully cleanse one’s soul of sin; sin always creates a breach between Himself and humanity; only Jesus could truly cleanse our souls; this was why He came down to earth, to die on the cross for our sins, so as to rebuild relationships broken through sinful behavior.

Old Testament sacrifices attempted to fill that void; however, God was less interested in these offerings and was trying to teach His laws through prophets; yet old covenant sacrifices could easily become confused with obedience – hence when Hebrews quoted Psalm 40:6-8 it reminded readers that obedience is more pleasing to Him (Hebrews 10:35).

At this crucial juncture in their faith journeys, these believers needed a reminder that living by faith could become tedious and exhausting. With so much at stake and results taking longer to come through than desired, the writer of Hebrews warned them against abandoning what has a great promise of rewards (Hebrews 10:35).

Cast is from apoballo and means to throw away or discard. There may have been the temptation for these believers who trusted in Christ to abandon this all and live by sinful means instead. But this would have been an insulting disservice both to God and himself and these individuals who relied heavily on his promises. As it would mean giving up what they had worked so hard to gain, apostasy would be tantamount to abandoning what had been built over years and years of hard labor. We must recognize this so we don’t fall prey to their fate and become another statistic of apostasy – this is why the Bible contains numerous warnings against it being an irresponsible act. It could prove fatal. And finally, this warning from Hebrews 10:39 should serve as the ultimate deterrent against apostasy: “But if anyone turns back, let him repent and come back” (Hebrews 10:39). God does not play games when it comes to His relationship with us and will punish any who depart from His ways.

Hebrews 1035


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