Jesus Goes Home | Animated Children’s Bible Stories | New Testament| Holy Tales Stories

Old Holy tells kids animated Holy Tales from The Bible. The Holy Tales: Bible Stories is the channel that can teach your children about all Christian Bible stories through animations, songs, nursery rhymes in a fun joyful learning process. As a parent, you can trust our animated characters to keep your kids entertained and educated about Christianity. Discover timeless religious stories such as: The Garden of Eden, The Life of Jesus Christ, The Creation, Adam & Eve, The Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Stories of Solomon, Stories about the Israelites, Stories of David, The Book of Samuel, Stories of Joseph, Stories of Jacob, Stories of Moses, The Book of Exodus as well as Christmas bedtime stories, singalongs, nursery rhymes by The Hippy Hoppy Show. We hope you enjoy our world of children’s animated Bible stories. Learn more about us at:

Jesus goes Home
Jesus is Alive
Stephen is Stoned

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Happy Kids TV [Music] [Applause] The holy Tales Today’s story is about Jesus going home [Music] No Jesus’s home was Heaven he had no home Like us am I right holy why don’t we Find that out in the story Jesus’s disciples and his followers were Thrilled that he was alive again They had hoped of a better future Because he was alive They kept asking him questions about When he was going to free Israel and set Up his kingdom they did not clearly Understand what Jesus had been actually Teaching them my father sets all the Plans for his kingdom I don’t even know his plans Jesus told Them When the Holy Spirit comes you will Receive immense power He will tell people about me my work and My teachings You will tell people right here in Jerusalem In Judea in Samaria and in the whole World Jesus told them Not long after telling them these things Jesus was taken up to heaven in front of Their eyes while they watched he

Disappeared into the clouds and the Disciples strained their eyes trying to See where he had gone While they were still looking they Suddenly saw two men in bright white Robes standing with them One of the men said What are you looking for Jesus isn’t Here He has been taken away and has gone to Heaven Someday he will come back in just the Same way he left [Music] That was such a nice story Did Holly I’m glad you did So tubby we can now say that you were Right Jesus did not have a home like us but His home was Heaven Thank you for the wonderful story holy [Music] Holy Tales Sure you were all good to love it Especially you freckles early morning on That following Sunday Mary Magdalene and Few other women came to the tomb where Jesus was buried they hadn’t been able To prepare Jesus’s body for burial Because of the Sabbath and now that it Was over they could put their offerings Of oils and perfumes on him when they Left town to go to Jesus’s tomb the

Women wondered about how they would move The heavy Stone from the opening of the Tomb But when they reached the two they were Amazed the stone had already been moved The women rushed into the tomb only to Find that Jesus’s body was nowhere Around They were confused Suddenly two men appeared who were Dressed in bright white robes the women Were terrified to see them but the two Men who were Angels said Why are you looking inside a tomb for Someone who is alive The one you are looking for isn’t here He has risen from the dead do you not Remember that he told you he would be Crucified and come back to life on the Third day the women then remembered Jesus saying that in one of his Teachings Mary Magdalene was standing outside the Tomb trying to understand what might Have happened She started crying when she saw a man Standing nearby the man asked her why Are you crying Mary said Sir please tell where have he taken his Body I will go and get him Mary The man gently said That is when she realized that it was no One else but Jesus

The women along with Mary Magdalene Rushed back to town to tell Jesus’s Disciples that he was alive the Disciples ran to the tomb as fast as They could to see if it was true Peter Ran into the tomb and found the strips Of cloth that were used to wrap around Jesus’s body while lying neatly folded He was nowhere there in the Tomb he was Alive That was the best story ever I am so so Happy Thank you holy for telling me this Particular story I loved it me too it was indeed a nice Story I’m glad you kids enjoyed the story but It’s now time for the question Why did the women want to go to Jesus’s Tomb And I please answer please The women went back to the tube to Prepare Jesus’s body with perfumes and Oils well done freckles great The holy Tales are you all ready So today’s story is about Stephen Getting stoned But who’s Stephen Let’s read the story and find out Ifan was one of the strongest Believers Of the young church and the holy spirit Filled him with God’s power love and Grace and helped him to do some amazing Miracles

But one day some men got into a debate With him none of them could match up to Stephen’s wisdom because his came from The holy spirit this made the men very Angry So they gathered few other men and Convinced them to tell lies about Stephen so that he could be arrested They lied and said that they had heard Him say tough things about Moses and Even God The religious leaders were very upset When they heard this He got Stephen arrested and brought Before the High Council for child Saved men who had earlier lied about Stephen told more lies They said We’ve heard him say that Jesus is going To destroy the temple and change all the Customs that Moses taught us Suddenly everyone in the High Council Turned and stared watching Stephen’s Face glow as Pride as the sun High priest then asked Stephen if the Charges against him were true Stephen replied My brothers Remember that God appeared to Our Father Abraham and told him to leave his home And move to a land which he had made for Him Abraham obeyed God and he promised to Give him the land and many ancestors

God gave him the son Isaac and Isaac’s Son Jacob became the father of 12 tribes Of Israel Do you remember How 11 of these Sons were jealous of Their brother Joseph and they sold him To slavery But God allowed Joseph to save the Nation of Egypt and even his own family From famine You must also remember that our people Became slaves in Egypt and that Moses Was born God sent him to lead the people to Freedom He gave Moses the laws and Commandments By which we live It was Moses who told the people that God would raise a prophet The people turned against Moses and had Aaron make them a golden calf for them To worship Then God turned away from people It was years later that Joshua led the People and then there were the years of King David a man who found favor with God David’s son Solomon built God’s Temple And now you stubborn people you know our People’s history with God and yet your Ancestors persecuted the prophets you Killed Jesus God’s own son The religious leaders were very angry by The things Stephen said

Shut their fists and shouted at him But God gave Stephen a vision of the Gates of Heaven opening and Jesus Standing before him Stephen Was Not Afraid of Anything of What they said to him The people dragged Stephen out of the City and threw stones at him until he Was dead [Music] He’s dying he prayed for the people who Heard him and killed him Looked up and said Lord Don’t charge them with this sin [Music] Sorry Now it’s time for the question who was Stephen I know he was a strong believer of the Young church and he was filled with the Holy Spirit That is correct Hope you like the story too we’ll be Back soon Watching bye bye To watch more videos please subscribe Plants and trees on the fourth day God Created the sun to shine in the day the Moon and stars to come out at night One day Moses went to Mount Horeb with His sheep there God appeared to him as a Flame of fire in a bush since there was No room anywhere else they decided to

Spend the night in a stable Here Mary had her baby Jesus He wrapped him in a blanket and put him To sleep [Music]

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