Jesus is King – The Story of Matthew 1

In “Jesus is King – The Story of Matthew 1,” a video by Saddleback Kids, you will be taken on a journey through the lineage of Jesus, starting with the great king, David. This captivating video explores the origins of Jesus, tracing back to Joseph and Mary, and ultimately highlighting Jesus’ role as the greatest King of all time, surpassing even David and his descendants.

The story begins with King David, a great ruler who achieved remarkable feats, including slaying a Giant and earning God’s love. Through generations, David’s legacy continued, leading to the birth of Joseph, who married Mary, the mother of Jesus. As the video unfolds, it becomes clear that Jesus is not just an ordinary king; He is the King of Heaven and earth, surpassing any earthly ruler in His greatness. This touching account will provide you with a deeper understanding of Jesus’ lineage and His significance in the Bible stories.

See the Jesus is King - The Story of Matthew 1 in detail.


In the world of kings and monarchs, one name stands above the rest – King David. His lineage and story are not only significant to the history of Israel but also hold great importance in the birth and reign of Jesus, the king of Heaven and Earth. In this article, we will explore the lineage of King David, the union of Joseph and Mary, the birth of Jesus, the theme of kingship, and the importance of Matthew 1 in understanding the birth and significance of Jesus.

The Lineage of King David

The significance of King David

King David holds a special place in the heart of God and in the history of Israel. He was chosen by God himself to be the king of Israel, in spite of his humble beginnings as a shepherd. David’s faith, courage, and obedience made him a great king, and his psalms are still cherished and recited today. The significance of King David lies in his role as a foreshadowing figure, as his lineage eventually leads to the birth of Jesus, the ultimate king.

The genealogy of King David

The genealogy of King David can be traced back to the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. David’s ancestor, Judah, was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, also known as Israel. Throughout the generations, David’s ancestors played significant roles, including Boaz, who married Ruth, and Obed, the father of Jesse, who was the father of David. Each generation brought them closer to the birth of the Messiah.

The story of David and Goliath

One of the most well-known stories in the Bible is the tale of David and Goliath. This story highlights David’s bravery and unwavering trust in God. Despite being the underdog, a young David defeated the giant Goliath with a single stone from his slingshot. This victory not only catapulted David into fame but also solidified his place as a hero in the hearts of the Israelites. The story of David and Goliath serves as a reminder that God can use even the smallest and least likely individuals to accomplish great things.

Joseph and Mary

The union of Joseph and Mary

Joseph, a descendant of King David, played a crucial role in the birth of Jesus. He was a righteous man who was engaged to Mary, a young woman of extraordinary faith. Their union was part of God’s divine plan, as it ensured that Jesus would be from the line of David. Joseph’s role as Jesus’ earthly father was one of protection, guidance, and love.

Mary’s extraordinary pregnancy

Mary’s pregnancy was no ordinary one – it was a miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit. Despite the societal challenges and potential judgment she may have faced, Mary remained faithful to God’s call for her life. Her willingness to bear God’s Son and her song of praise, known as the Magnificat, reflect her deep trust and devotion to God’s plan.

Joseph’s dream and acceptance

When Joseph discovered Mary’s pregnancy, he initially planned to quietly divorce her. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream, assuring him of the divine nature of Mary’s pregnancy. Joseph wholeheartedly accepted his role as the earthly father of Jesus, showing immense faith and obedience. His actions exemplify the importance of listening to God’s guidance, even in the face of uncertainty.

The Birth of Jesus

The humble birth in Bethlehem

Contrary to the pomp and grandeur associated with kings, Jesus was born in humble circumstances. Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem for the census, and there, in a lowly stable, Jesus was born. This humble beginning was significant as it reflected Jesus’ mission to identify with the lowly and the marginalized, and to bring salvation to all people, regardless of their social status.

The visit of the shepherds

In the fields near Bethlehem, shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks at night when an angel appeared to them, announcing the birth of Jesus. The shepherds, despite being simple and often overlooked individuals, were the first to witness the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. Their presence at Jesus’ birth emphasizes the inclusivity and accessibility of God’s kingdom.

The visit of the wise men

The visit of the wise men, also known as the Magi, is another remarkable aspect of Jesus’ birth. These intellectuals from the East were guided by a star to Jesus’ location. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, symbolizing Jesus’ royalty, divinity, and eventual sacrifice. The wise men’s recognition of Jesus as the King of all kings foreshadows his universal reign and his mission to bring salvation to the entire world.

Jesus as the King of Heaven and Earth

Jesus’ divine nature

Jesus, as the Son of God, possessed a divine nature. He was not merely an earthly king, but the King of Heaven and Earth. His birth in human form allowed him to fully identify with humanity while retaining his divine essence. This unique combination made Jesus the perfect mediator between God and man, capable of reconciling humanity with their Creator.

His mission as the King of all

As the King of all, Jesus’ mission was to bring salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life to those who believed in him. Through his teachings, miracles, and ultimately, his sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus showed the world the depth of God’s love and the way to eternal life. His example of humility, love, and selflessness continues to inspire and guide countless individuals to this day.

The impact of His reign

The reign of Jesus as the King of Heaven and Earth has had profound implications for both individuals and society as a whole. It offers hope in times of despair, comfort in times of sorrow, and healing in times of brokenness. Jesus’ teachings on love, forgiveness, and justice have shaped countless lives and influenced the course of history. His reign is an invitation to experience abundant life and to participate in building a kingdom characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy.

The Importance of Matthew 1

Matthew’s purpose in writing

The Gospel of Matthew begins with a detailed genealogy tracing Jesus’ lineage back to King David. Matthew, a tax collector turned disciple, wrote this gospel with the specific intention of establishing Jesus’ Messianic credentials to a primarily Jewish audience. The genealogy in Matthew 1 serves as a powerful proclamation that Jesus is the long-awaited King, descended from the line of David, who fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament.

The structure and content of Matthew 1

Matthew 1 is composed of three main sections, each containing fourteen generations. This structure highlights the significance of Jesus’ lineage as it connects to the promises made to Abraham and David. The content of Matthew 1 reveals the diverse individuals included in Jesus’ genealogy, showcasing God’s faithfulness across generations and his willingness to use flawed and unlikely individuals to accomplish his purposes.

The significance of tracing Jesus’ lineage

Tracing Jesus’ lineage to King David and Abraham not only emphasizes his Jewish identity but also fulfills the prophetic promises made in the Old Testament. The numerous references to the ancestor’s faithfulness and God’s faithfulness helps establish a foundation of trust and credibility for Jesus’ ministry. It also illuminates the interconnectedness of God’s redemptive plan throughout history, highlighting the purpose and intentionality behind Jesus’ birth.

Understanding the Birth of Jesus

The historical context of Jesus’ birth

To fully comprehend the birth of Jesus, it is essential to understand the historical context in which he was born. During the time of Jesus’ birth, Israel was under Roman rule, and the people longed for a deliverer who would liberate them from oppression. This longing and anticipation created a fertile ground for the arrival of the Messiah, as it stirred up hope and expectation among the Jewish people.

The fulfillment of prophecies

Jesus’ birth was the fulfillment of numerous prophecies found in the Old Testament. These prophecies, given hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, spoke of a coming Messiah who would bring salvation, establish justice, and reign as a righteous king. The fulfillment of these prophecies in Jesus’ birth affirms his identity as the long-awaited Savior.

The symbolism and symbolism in Matthew 1

Matthew 1 is not merely a list of names and generations; it is rife with symbolism and theological significance. The inclusion of individuals from various backgrounds, including Gentiles and women, points to Jesus’ universal mission and his desire to bring salvation to all people, regardless of their ethnicity or gender. Additionally, the presence of names associated with scandal and sin underscores Jesus’ role as the redeemer and his ability to bring grace and forgiveness to the broken.

Lessons from Matthew 1

Faith and obedience of Joseph and Mary

Joseph and Mary’s unwavering faith and obedience serve as powerful examples for believers today. Despite facing challenging circumstances and societal scrutiny, they chose to trust in God and embrace their roles in bringing Jesus into the world. Their faith reminds us of the importance of surrendering our plans to God and relying on His wisdom and guidance.

God’s faithfulness across generations

The genealogy in Matthew 1 highlights the faithfulness of God throughout generations. It showcases how God worked through imperfect individuals to fulfill His promises. This serves as a reminder that God’s faithfulness is not limited by our flaws or shortcomings; He can use anyone who is willing to step out in faith and trust in Him.

The role of lineage and ancestry

Matthew 1 demonstrates the significance of lineage and ancestry in understanding God’s redemptive plan. Through tracing Jesus’ lineage, we see God’s intentional weaving of human history to bring about the birth of His Son. It also reveals that our stories are connected to a larger narrative, reminding us of the importance of our own spiritual heritage and the impact we can have on future generations.

The Theme of Kingship

Comparing King David and Jesus

Both King David and Jesus hold the title of king, but they have distinct differences. King David was a great earthly king, but Jesus is the King of all kings. While David’s reign was limited to a specific time and place, Jesus’ reign transcends time and encompasses the entire universe. By comparing these two kings, we gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ identity and the extraordinary nature of his reign.

Jesus’ kingship in the Gospels

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ identity as the King of Heaven and Earth is evident. He taught with authority, performed miracles, and displayed divine wisdom and compassion. Jesus’ kingship was not established through military might or political power, but through love, humility, and sacrificial service. His kingship challenges conventional notions of power and calls believers to follow his example of servant leadership.

The futuristic reign of Jesus

While Jesus’ reign is already evident in the hearts of believers, there is also a future aspect to his kingship. The Scriptures speak of a time when Jesus will return in glory and establish his kingdom on earth. This future reign will bring about the ultimate fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan, where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The theme of kingship reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus’ return and the ultimate triumph of righteousness.


The birth of Jesus carries incredible significance, not only for individuals but also for the entirety of human history. Jesus, as the descendant of King David, fulfills the promises made by God and brings the hope of salvation to all people. The lineage of King David, the union of Joseph and Mary, the humble birth in Bethlehem, and Jesus’ divine nature all point to the extraordinary nature of his kingship. Understanding the birth of Jesus through Matthew 1 provides a foundation for our faith and calls us to reflect on the faithfulness of God across generations. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us remember the lessons learned from Joseph and Mary, embrace our own spiritual lineage, and live in anticipation of Jesus’ future reign as the King of all kings.

Check out the Jesus is King - The Story of Matthew 1 here.

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