See the story of Easter in eight parts! Here is the journey we will see Jesus take –
00:00 – Jesus Is Anointed At Bethany
01:55 – The Triumphal Entry
05:02 – The Last Supper
08:27 – Jesus Prays In Gethsemane
11:53 – Jesus’ Sacrifice
17:11 – Jesus Appears To Thomas
19:44 – The Road To Emmaus
23:56 – God Is With Us
Stories of the bible Jesus is anointed at bethany [Music] This is jesus Heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness He did many miracles like calming storms And even raised people from the dead [Music] At this time the jewish people were Getting ready to celebrate a festival Called passover that had been celebrated Since the time of moses when god brought His people out of egypt Two days before the passover jesus was In bethany at the home of simon hey hey Hey come on in A man who had previously had leprosy While jesus was eating a woman came in With a beautiful jar of expensive Perfume she broke the jar open and Poured perfume over jesus’s head Jesus’s disciples were upset when they Saw this [Music] They said what a waste it could have Been sold for a high price and the money Given to the poor What’d you do that for So they scolded the woman
Ah hold on there but jesus said leave Her alone why criticize her for doing Such a good thing to me you will always Have the poor among you and you can help Them whenever you want to but you will Not always have me She has poured this perfume on me to Prepare my body for burial I tell you the truth wherever the good News is preached throughout the world This woman’s deed will be remembered [Music] Stories of the bible The triumphal entry This is jesus heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness He did many miracles like calming storms And even raised people from the dead [Music] At this time the jewish people were Celebrating a festival called passover That had been celebrated since the time Of moses when god brought his people out Of egypt So jesus was going to jerusalem to Celebrate jesus and his disciples Stopped in a town And jesus told two of his disciples to Go on ahead of them Okay
He told them to go into a village and That they would see a young donkey that No one had ever ridden rock he told them To untie it and bring it to him [Music] If anyone asks what are you doing he Told them to just say the lord needs it And we’ll return it soon Okay go ahead so the disciples did what Jesus said and brought him the donkey a Long time ago before jesus was even born God had said that the savior the king of Israel would come to israel in this way And now jesus was doing just as god had Said The news that jesus was coming to Jerusalem swept through the city many Heard about all the amazing things he Had done so they cut palm branches and Ran to see him The pharisees and religious rulers Realized that there was nothing they Could do for everyone was going to see Jesus Jesus rode into the city of jerusalem And the crowd spread their coats on the Road ahead of him his followers began to Shout and sing as they walked along Praising god for all the wonderful Miracles they had seen the pharisees Were upset And they told jesus to stop the people From saying things like that but jesus Said
If they keep quiet The stones along the road would burst Into tears so the people kept on singing Blessings on the king who comes in the Name of the lord praise god in highest Heaven The entire city of jerusalem was in an Uproar as he entered asking who is this And the crowds replied it’s jesus and Jesus rode the donkey through the street Of jerusalem to the temple in a Triumphal entry Just as god said he would many years Before [Music] Stories of the bible the last supper [Music] This is jesus heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness he did many Miracles like calming storms [Music] And even raised people from the dead At this time the jewish people were Celebrating a festival called passover That had been celebrated since the time Of moses when god brought his people out Of egypt So jesus was going to jerusalem to Celebrate The disciples asked jesus where he
Wanted to eat the passover meal that Night Jesus said as you go into the city a man Carrying a pitcher of water will meet You Follow him At the house he enters say to the owner Hi The teacher asks Where is the guest room where i can eat The passover meal with my disciples He will take you upstairs to a large Room that is already set up That is where you should prepare our Meal the disciples found everything to Be just as jesus had said Later that evening jesus arrived with The 12 disciples they sat down to eat And jesus said that he was happy to be With everyone as they were eating jesus Took some bread and blessed it he said Take it for this is my body which is Given for you Jesus told them to do this to help Remember him Then he took a cup of wine and gave Thanks to god for it and he said to his Disciples This is my blood it is poured out as a Sacrifice to forgive the sins of many Jesus said One of you eating with me here will Betray me he told them that things were Supposed to happen this way but that
Great sadness would await the one who Betrays him the disciples were very Upset and asked Am i the one who is he talking about Judas asked jesus Am i the one And jesus said You have said it [Music] One of the disciples asked jesus Lord who is it jesus said it was the one Who he would give the bread to He gave the bread to judas And jesus said Hurry and do what you’re going to do None of the others at the table knew What jesus meant so judas left at once To betray jesus then jesus comforted and Encouraged the disciples he promised Them that they would have a helper come When jesus was gone they all sang a song To god together [Music] Stories of the bible Jesus prays in gethsemane This is jesus heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness [Music] He did many miracles like calming storms And even raised people from the dead
[Music] Jesus was in jerusalem with his Disciples for the passover Passover was a festival that the jewish People had celebrated since the time of Moses when god brought his people out of Egypt Jesus knew the time had come for him to Die as the scriptures had said long ago So he went with his disciples to an Olive grove Called gethsemane And jesus said Sit here while i go to pray He took peter james and john with him And he was very distressed and troubled He asked them to stay with him and keep Watch meaning he wanted them to stay Awake with him Got it he went a little farther on and Prayed he cried out Abba father everything is possible for You Please take this cup of suffering away From me yet i want your will to be done Not mine Then an angel from heaven appeared and Strengthened jesus Then jesus prayed even harder and was Suffering greatly he went back to his Disciples and they were all asleep [Music] He said to peter couldn’t you watch with Me even one hour keep watch and pray so
That you will not give in to temptation And then jesus left them again to pray The same as he did before He went back to the disciples after he Had prayed and found them sleeping again The disciples didn’t know what to say So jesus went away a third time praying The same things again When he went back to his disciples he Said Go ahead and sleep but look The time has come For judas the disciple who was betraying Jesus was coming with men to arrest Jesus Judas showed them who jesus was and they Arrested him jesus was taken and put to Death on a cross to save us from our Sins but three days later he rose from The grave huh [Music] He is alive he stayed with his disciples For 40 days and then went to heaven see Yah God then sent the holy spirit to be the Helper as god’s people go out and tell The good news of jesus to all the people Of the world [Music] Stories of the bible Jesus sacrifice [Music] This is jesus heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of
The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness He did many miracles like calming storms And even raised people from the dead [Music] The jewish leaders and teachers did not Like what jesus was doing or how he Claimed to be the son of god And so they made a plan to arrest him to Get rid of him once and for all Judas one of jesus’s disciples agreed to Betray jesus Come in come in and give him over to the Religious leaders for some money Jesus was in a garden praying and judas Showed the man who jesus was Jesus was arrested and taken to the Rulers of the land so that they could Decide what to do with him jesus was Presented before the high council and They asked him if he was the messiah the Savior of the jews they asked him if he Was claiming to be the son of god You say that i am And the council was furious and they Shouted that jesus was guilty and he Deserves to die So they took jesus before the roman Ruler pilate And he heard the case against jesus Pilate didn’t think that jesus had done Anything wrong huh seemed okay to me
They found him to be innocent so pilate Said that he would punish jesus and then Release him But the crowd kept screaming louder and Louder crucify him we want him dead and Because of the pressure of the crowd Pilate turned jesus over to the roman Soldiers to be crucified Jesus was hurt and spit on his clothes Were taken from him And a crown made out of thorns was put On his head He was beaten so badly that he could Barely stand on his own And then he was forced to carry his Cross so far up a mountain that he Needed help because he could not do it On his own Once jesus made it to the place where he Would be crucified called the skull the Soldiers around him nailed him to the Cross and waited for him to die while Jesus was hanging on the cross many People shouted to him if you really are The son of god save yourself from the Cross but jesus knew he had to die to Forgive his people for their sins At noon darkness fell across the whole Land Three hours later jesus took his last Breath and finally died [Music] At that very moment the curtain in the Temple that separated the priests from
God’s holy place tore in two A soldier watching the whole thing said This man truly was the son of god Then a righteous man named joseph came And placed jesus’s body in a tomb Three days passed and it seemed that There was no hope [Music] But very early on sunday morning the Woman who cared for jesus went to go Visit his body and found that his tomb Was empty and that he was no longer There [Music] Don’t be afraid said an angel He is not here he is risen At this the woman remembered that jesus Had told them that he would rise again On the third day And ran to go tell the disciples what They had seen and heard Huh And then for the next 40 days jesus Appeared to his disciples and many Others and showed them that he was alive And well He taught them that what he did was the Only way that they could be forgiven and Be with god forever For god so loved the world that he gave His one and only son so that everyone Who believes in him will not perish but Have eternal life [Applause]
[Music] Stories of the bible jesus appears to Thomas [Music] This is jesus heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness He did many miracles like calming storms And even raised people from the dead But some people did not like what jesus Was doing And they put him to death He died on a cross and was buried in a Tomb For three days jesus’s body laid in that Tomb and it seemed that there was no Hope But very early on sunday morning the Woman who cared for jesus went to go Visit his body Found that his tomb was empty and that He was no longer there [Music] For he was risen He was alive [Applause] [Music] Jesus appeared to his disciples to show Them that he was alive One of the twelve disciples thomas was Not with the others when jesus came
Right Later the disciples told thomas we have Seen the lord But thomas said i won’t believe it Unless i see the nail wounds in his Hands put my fingers into them and place My hand into the wound in his side [Music] Eight days later the disciples were Together again and this time thomas was With them the doors were locked but Suddenly as before jesus was standing Among them oh hey guys peace be with you He said then jesus said to thomas put Your finger here and look at my hands Put your hand into the wound in my side Don’t be faithless any longer Believe Thomas said My lord and my god then jesus told him You believe because you have seen me Blessed are those who believe without Seeing me [Music] Stories of the bible The road to emmaus This is jesus heyo Who is the son of god and the savior of The world While jesus was on earth he taught Everyone about god’s love and healed People from their sickness He did many miracles like calming storms And even raised people from the dead
But some people did not like what jesus Was doing [Music] And they put him to death He died on a cross and was buried in a Tomb For three days jesus’s body laid in that Tomb and it seemed that there was no Hope But very early on sunday morning the Woman who cared for jesus went to go Visit his body Found that his tomb was empty and that He was no longer there [Music] For he was risen He was alive [Music] That same day two of jesus’s followers Were walking to a village called emmaus And talking about everything that had Happened with jesus as they were talking Jesus suddenly came and walked with them But god kept them from recognizing jesus Jesus asked him what they were talking About the two men were very sad one of Them whose name was cleopas said you Must be the only person in jerusalem who Hasn’t heard about all the things that Have happened there in the last few days Jesus asked What things the men replied the things That happened to jesus And they began to tell jesus about
Everything that had happened to him they Told him that some women had gone to his Tomb and said that his body was missing And that others had gone to see if it Was true and saw that his body really Was gone then jesus said to them You foolish people you find it so hard To believe all that the prophets wrote In the scriptures Let me explain then jesus took them Through the writings of moses and all The prophets explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself By this time they were nearing emmaus Jesus acted as if he was continuing on Hey wait but the men begged him to stay The night with them because it was Getting Laid oh okay so jesus went home with Them and as they sat down to eat jesus Blessed the bread then he broke the Bread and gave it to them Suddenly their eyes were opened and they Recognized jesus and yo And at that moment he disappeared Where to go the men said to each other Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he Explained the scriptures to us come on And that hour they made their way back To jerusalem they found the eleven and The others who were with them And told them their story As they were telling their story jesus Was suddenly standing among
Them that’s not what happened Everyone was frightened and thought he Was a ghost okay come on guys but jesus Showed that it was really him he showed Them his hands and feet and they all Watched him in awe then jesus asked for Something to eat oh got anything to eat And they gave him fish to eat Oh that’s good Jesus reminded them that everything Happened as it was supposed to and Helped them understand the scriptures Then he promised to send them the holy Spirit And told them to stay in jerusalem until The holy spirit would come And fill them with a power from heaven Stories of the bible God is with us [Music] This is jesus heyo Jesus is the savior of the world and the Son of god while jesus was on earth he Taught everyone about god’s love he Healed many people from their sickness Performed many miracles like calming Storms [Music] And even raised people from the dead [Music] But some people did not like what jesus Was doing And they put him to death he died on a Cross and was buried in a tomb for three
Days jesus’s body laid in that tomb and It seemed that there was no hope But very early on sunday morning the Woman who cared for jesus went to go Visit his body found that his tomb was Empty and that he was no longer there For he was risen he was alive And then for the next 40 days jesus Appeared to his disciples and many Others and showed them that he was alive And well He taught them that what he did was the Only way that they could be forgiven and Be with god forever jesus told his Disciples that he did all the things That god had told everyone that he would Do and the disciples understood what he Was saying yep that may occur he told Them that he would send the holy spirit Just as god had promised to be their Helper After jesus had spent 40 days with the Disciples and appeared to many people He led the disciples to a place called Bethany jesus blessed the disciples and Told them to go out and tell the whole World about him and the good news of Forgiveness and make disciples of them Then he said be sure of this i am with You always even to the end of the age Then jesus was taken into heaven to sit At the right hand of god Not long after that the holy spirit did Come to the disciples to be their helper
The disciples knew that god would truly Be with them always And the holy spirit is still with us Today for jesus promised that he would Be with us to the end of the age and he Is