Bless the Lord O My Soul and All That is Within Me – Psalm 103:1
Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me – Psalm 103:1
To bless the Lord means to praise Him, honor His name, and give Him thanks. It also signifies bending one’s knee to the greatness of God.
Throughout the Bible, people are called to bless the Lord, and it is especially appropriate for times of gratitude or repentance. The Lord is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, so it makes sense to give Him praise, adoration, and thanksgiving for what He has done.
Psalm 103:1 describes how David commands his whole soul to praise the Lord. He then lists all of the ways that the Lord has blessed him, from rescuing him from disaster to crowning him with steadfast love and mercy, satisfying him with good, and working vindication and justice for him.
The psalm ends with a call to praise the Lord more than ever. The psalmist extends this calling to all of the angels, and even to his own hosts: those who are under God’s command and do His will.
Those who fear the Lord receive His mercy and are able to trust that it will endure forever. Those who obey Him and remember His commandments are also assured that He will always keep them. He is the only one who can redeem the believer from destruction and heal his maladies of disease. He is the only one who can give a righteous person hope for the future and renew his youth.