Matthew 6:14 – For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Forgiveness in Matthew 6:14
Jesus makes it clear that he expects the disciples to forgive others as he has been forgiven. He tells them that their heavenly Father will forgive them, as well.
The issue of forgiveness is often one of the most elusive subjects in the Bible. This is because it is difficult for believers to see how they can be forgiven and yet still struggle to forgive others.
Matthew 6:14 explains how forgiveness is a matter of both justice and mercy.
He teaches us that, even as the believers have been given new hearts and a new life, there will be a constant battle between their flesh and the Spirit. This conflict will not be resolved until they see it for what it is, and it is this confrontation that can cause them to repent and be forgiven.
God’s desire is to expose the sin and bring about a genuine and legitimate repentance and love. It is not an easy battle to face, but it is a victory that can be enjoyed by the one who perseveres in repentance.
Using the above verse as a base, we can look at other passages to understand what this means. First, Jesus explains how the disciples should give alms and pray. Then, he warns them against doing these things in a hypocritical manner.
Next, Christ teaches that they should not worry about tomorrow, but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. He then tells them that they should not seek mammon, which is wealth, but rather God’s righteousness and the heavenly gift of eternal life.