My God is My Dwelling Place – Psalm 91

When you look at Psalm 91, you will find a variety of things to enjoy. One of the more prominent is the fact that God is a good provider. It is also said that God is a good protector of His people.

Psalm 91 has a lot to offer, and there are a number of different ways that God is able to keep His people from harm. The psalmist describes various ways that God protects His people and even includes a couple of warnings as well.

In the psalm, the author uses the term “shadow of the Almighty” in a couple of ways. Firstly, it is a figure of speech that translates to “divine protection.” Secondly, the phrase is actually a figurative description of God’s unfailing love.

A third way that God protects His people is through a smaller round shield – the shield containing the truth. The truth is that God is capable of keeping His people safe and free from harm, but not in the ways you might expect.

Another example of God’s protection is the arrow that appears to defeat the enemy. This arrow, which is a symbol of God’s sovereignty, is the most impressive of all.

Another thing that God does to protect His people is to give them strength. People will be able to endure a multitude of things that might otherwise cause them harm. And, because of God’s presence, they can withstand anything.

If you live your life in the Lord, you will experience him in all of his glory.

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