My sheep Hear My Voice (No one can snatch them out of my hand)


My Sheep Hear My Voice

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me John 10:27. In the months before His death, Jesus used the metaphor of sheep to make a point about his followers. He said that sheep hear the voice of their shepherd and those who do not listen to Him are not His sheep. As the only way to salvation, Jesus separated people into two basic groups: those who do not listen to Him, and those who do. Those who reject His call and do not follow Him belong to the second group, which is mastered by the devil.

Christ was a good shepherd, leading the flock to the promised land. The Jews rejected His teachings, so Christ portrayed himself as the Good Shepherd. His voice was recognizable, and they followed Him. But the sheep did not follow Him, because they rejected His voice. So the Good Shepherd said that only His sheep would be safe. Those who follow Him would listen to His voice and resist the counterfeit voices.

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus teaches His disciples that they are not to be abusive or unkind to people. He uses the illustration of a sheepfold to illustrate this. The sheepfold is the protective shelter of God’s family. Only the Good Shepherd can protect and lead the sheep. He is the Good Shepherd who loves His sheep and lays down His life for them.

My Sheep Knowing My Voice

My sheep Know My Voice (No one can snatch them out of my hand)

Jesus talked about himself as the Good Shepherd, and He told His followers that His sheep know His voice, even if they are not listening to Him. When He calls His sheep by name, they come running to Him and follow Him. But when He goes ahead of them, they don’t follow Him, and they are not part of His flock. The sheep don’t know the voice of a stranger, and they won’t follow him.

The Good Shepherd is the one who leads his sheep and calls them by name. The sheep listen to the voice of their shepherd, and when they hear his voice, they follow him. Then, when they hear another voice, they do not follow him but stay in their place. Similarly, when Jesus calls His sheep by name, they are willing to follow Him, because they know His voice.

If you want to know how to listen to Jesus, you should learn what He means when He says, “Let the sheep know my voice.” This is the same message Jesus tells His disciples. The shepherd calls his sheep by name and leads them by the voice of His Master. And the sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice, but they don’t follow the voice of strangers because they don’t know it. In this way, you can learn how to hear His voice and obey it.

Do Sheep Really Know the Shepherd’s Voice?

Do sheep really know Shepherd’s voice? This question has a simple answer: “Yes!” It’s true: the sheep hear the voice of the Shepherd. They follow it because it is Shepherd’s voice. But, do they really know Shepherd’s voice? This is a difficult question to answer. Here’s what we can learn from this parable: Do sheep really recognize the sound of Shepherd’s call?

My sheep Know My Voice (No one can snatch them out of my hand)

As sheep, we don’t actually know the voice of the shepherd. But we do recognize his voice. A shepherd calls the sheep to graze, and sheep walk to the voice of the shepherd. But do we really know the voice of our shepherd? Jesus tells us in the Bible that sheep don’t understand the voice of a shepherd. This may explain why we can’t hear the voice of a human, and how we can’t hear a person in our dreams.

The Jewish religious leaders were persecuting Christ and the other disciples, but Jesus healed them and proclaimed Himself the “Good Shepherd”. But the Jewish religious leaders rejected him and condemned him. He accused them of failing to be good shepherds and only caring about their own pocketbooks and the protection of their enemies. The Jews thought that Jesus was a man who would kill Christians, but that isn’t the case.

How Do Sheep Recognize the Voice of Their Shepherd?

What does it mean for sheep to recognize the voice of their shepherd? The shepherd’s voice has a particular cadence and harmony. It soothes the fear of being lost or alone. It makes peace when new sheep join the fold. It reassures the sheep in every situation. The voice of the Good Shepherd is the sound of hope and authority. A shepherd’s call will always be recognizable by the sheep.

My sheep Hear My Voice (No one can snatch them out of my hand)

Jesus’s analogy of the Good Shepherd is an interesting one. The sheep recognize the voice of the good shepherd, even if they don’t know it. It’s important for us to understand that the sheep cannot hear the voice of someone who has no authority. It’s also important to remember that a true shepherd is a legitimate authority. It’s the truth that guides us, and it’s the voice of God.

In the ancient world, a shepherd was a person who lead a flock of sheep. Those who follow Him are called shepherds. They are supposed to lead people who are like them. However, in the Bible, Christ refers to himself as the Good Shepherd. This is a reference to the way in which Jesus entered the world. In the story, Jesus compared the Jews to the sheep.


My sheep hear my voice (John 10:27) is one of Jesus’ most important sayings, and the only time it is not controversial. It is a powerful, profound statement that calls Christians to become more like God. But the question is, how does one become like Him? How does one become a true sheep? This article will explore how to be a true sheep. Read on to learn more.

In the first reading, Jesus compares mankind to sheepherders. When the sheep come to a fence to follow their shepherd, those who are up to no good would sneak over the fence and steal the sheep. The watchman or gatekeeper would know who was stealing the sheep, and the legitimate ones would enter. But if someone was up to no good, he or she would just keep on sneaking around the gate until the sheep were caught. In contrast, those who are genuine will enter the gate and stay there.

A shepherd’s voice is recognizable, and sheep will come to him when they hear it. A soldier once tried to steal the sheep from a hillside near Jerusalem. However, the sheep came back to their shepherd when he called his distinctive call to the flock. The shepherd’s voice was recognized as a trustworthy shepherd, and the soldiers were appalled by the sight of the shepherd calling out his voice.

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