Superbook – Job – Season 2 Episode 8 Full Episode (Official HD Version)

”Job”: During the worst week of his life

Job was a righteous man who feared God and shunned evil. He was blessed by God with wealth and family, but Satan tempted Job and he lost his wealth and his children.

During the worst week of his life, Job was surrounded by his three closest friends (Job 4:3). They were not able to bear the mystery of Job’s suffering, so they tried to find a way to blame Job for his tragedy.

They started with the idea that he was a sinner and that his suffering was a result of his sin. This is an idea that many people today still embrace. But it is not the biblical teaching that we should follow.

The Book of Job teaches us that when we are facing tough times, it is important to remember that it is God who has put us through these trials and not yourself. The Bible tells us that these trials are used to purify our lives and teach us about the sovereignty of God.

We are also reminded that we cannot change the future, but we can prepare for it. When we know the outcome of our decisions, we are better prepared to handle the unexpected and take the right steps to overcome it.

The story of Job





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