The word gentile comes from Latin and refers to people who are not Jews or Christians. It is not an original Hebrew or Greek word in the Bible but was derived from the Latin term gentilis which means a “family, clan, tribe”.
In the Old Testament, Gentiles were often considered ungodly and God warned His people to separate themselves from them. However, God also gave His prophets the ability to speak to Gentiles and offer them salvation from their sins.
In this verse, we see that when man rejects God he is plunged into darkness and the desecration of God begins. He becomes like a liar and a cheat, he has no honor for the true God, and he mocks God and shames Him.
When man tries to do his own will in his own strength and his own way, he rejects God’s holiness. He becomes a false god and he ends up worshiping the wrong god, the one that he has created for himself.
He is full of all sorts of sins, evil and greed. He is mean, full of envy, murder, quarreling, deceit and viciousness. He is a gossip, 30 slanderer, God-hater, backstabber, haughty, arrogant, boastful, inventor of evil and rebellious toward his parents.
When he gets ahead materially, he scoffs at God and he says to himself, “God won’t call me to account.” He sneers and he brags about his success. He seeks out those who are poor, helpless or weak to take advantage of them. And he does it in a rage of anger and a gleeful show of pride, thinking that no consequences will ever come from his actions. This is the way of the wicked and they will be cast out of the kingdom of God.
A vicious man who has a corrupted heart and mind will do things that are not right. He will act in an unseemly way because his inner motives bear fruit in his actions (Romans 1:27-29).
God does not hold back from expressing His anger until the sinner has become ripe for judgment. His wrath is expressed in this way because a debased mind must be shattered.
When a person becomes desperate to do wrong, it is a sign that he is no longer a child of God and has fallen into a life of wickedness. This is the case with every sinner.
Unlike a good and wise man, a man who is desperately wicked will not listen to reason or to the Word of God. He will be consumed with a desire to do things that are not right, a passion to disobey God and His commands, a thirst for lust.
This is why it is so important to remain faithful to the Lord. The wicked will be destroyed, so it is imperative to keep your heart and soul focused on Jesus Christ.
A man who is saved will have a blessed life. The lifestyle of a wicked man is as unproductive in God’s sight as chaff. When the time comes, Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats and excommunicate the wicked (Revelation 20:11-15).
Conclusion is the final piece of a paper or article, usually providing a summary or an overview of something. It is important to write a conclusion that ties everything together and leaves the reader with an interesting thought or idea.
In this section, Paul concludes his discussion about the need of salvation for the Gentiles. He has explained that humanity is ungodly and unrighteous, a situation that requires the gospel.
The gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the message that reveals God’s means of righteousness and shows us how we can obtain it.
This is a clear message that is being proclaimed across the world today. It is the message that tells us that all have sinned and need to repent of their sin and turn to Jesus Christ.
But this message is also the message that explains how we can be saved from sin and have our sins forgiven. The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that we can have our sins forgiven because He has paid the price for them.
Therefore, we must not only accept the message of the gospel but also respond to it with faith and action. We must obey it in our lives and seek to live a life that reflects the gospel of Jesus Christ.