Bible Reading: Psalm 86:5
You, Lord, are forgiving and good,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
The Lord is good, the Bible records many instances of God’s mercy, goodness, and faithfulness. We often lose sight of these attributes when we are surrounded by the things of this world. However, this is the essence of praise and worship, which is why we are urged to continue saying, “The Lord is good!” and “His mercies are new every morning.” The Bible tells us that God is ever-present, and His faithfulness endures forever.
David recorded this prayer, and it is repeated in psalm 86. It is written in a spirit of grace and supplication, and thanksgiving. The psalmist’s faith and hope were sustained by the Lord’s mercy during a time of trouble. The graciousness of the Lord is evident in all of creation, and his goodness and mercy are evident in Christ Jesus, his righteousness, and his pardon and justification.
The Lord is a generous God, and he freely gives mercy to those who seek it. He supported the psalmist in his time of trouble and despair, and he continues to show his graciousness and kindness throughout all of the time. His merciful character can be seen in Christ’s compassion, justification, and salvation. No one should doubt the generosity of the Lord and his loving and forgiving heart.
The Lord is good. He does no evil. His eternal mercy is active and manifested in all of His works, including the creation of the world. That alone is sufficient reason to obey the Lord and thank Him for his goodness. The Lord is good. We are not to be afraid of our enemies, as long as we are faithful to His will and obey his commands. It is a reminder of the goodness and kindness of the Lord, which we should never forget.
The Lord is good. His mercies are abundant in all of His ways. His goodness has no bounds. He is the source of all goodness. His mercies have no limit. It is the best way to thank God. The Lord is good to you. This is why he gives you mercy. His mercy never ends. If you truly love him, you will do the same. When we do good to other people, we show gratitude to God.
The Lord is good. He is generous. His mercy abounds in our circumstances. He is the God of all things. He is merciful and kind. He is the God of all things. It is his mercy that keeps us alive and healthy. He has a special compassion for those in need. The Lord has no limits. The Lord is merciful to all those who believe in him. It is the best way to thank God.
The Lord is good and his mercy endures. His mercy is always available to his people. He freely gives it. He shows it to his people through His word. His righteous judgments endure. His mercies are eternal. The LORD is merciful and gracious to his people. The psalmist was a true believer in the LORD. He was saved through Christ. He was given grace because he was faithful and he was able to save the people he loved.
His mercy is shown to all people. Even those who do not deserve it are loved by God. In fact, only a few people are worthy of this type of mercy. In contrast, the LORD is merciful to those who do not deserve it. This is why he gives grace to the poor. And his mercy is not limited to the poor and the sick. It extends to all generations. The LORD is good and his justice and his love for all his children.
The psalms 105:1, 107:1, and 108:1 express the same message. They are a praise to God and to his faithfulness. The praises are endless and the glory of the LORD is immeasurable. The psalms of the LORD are full of praise and gratitude. They are written with the hope of the people of God. The LORD is merciful to all of them.
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