See five Bible stories of parables in the Bible! These are the stories that you will see –
00:00 – The Parable of the Prodigal Son
04:42 – The Parable of the Farmer
07:56 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan
10:58 – The Parable of the Great Banquet
14:09 – The Parable of the Lost Sheep
[Music] Stories of the Bible The Prodigal Son This is Jesus Who is the Son of God and the savior of The world While Jesus was on Earth he taught Everyone about God’s love He healed many people from their Sickness Performed many miracles like calming Storms And even raised people from the dead [Music] Has taught everyone about God’s love all Kinds of people would come to hear Jesus Speak including tax collectors and People who made bad choices this made The Pharisees and Jewish leaders mad ah Yuck they didn’t think that Jesus should Be around these kind of people [Music] So Jesus told them this story A man had two sons the younger son told His father Um I want my share of your estate now Before you die okay so his father agreed And gave his son his inheritance A few days later this younger son packed All his belongings see ya And moved to a distant land There he wasted all his money in Wild Living huh About the time his money ran out a Great Famine swept over the land oh man
[Music] Began to starve hey you Convince the local farmer to hire him Thank God and the man sent him into his Fields to feed the pigs The young man became so hungry that even The food he was feeding the pigs looked Good to him But no one gave him anything Finally he said to himself at home even The servants have food enough to spare And here I’m dying of hunger I know I Will go home to my father and apologize And ask him to take me on as a servant So he returned home to his father And while he was still a long way off His father saw him coming filled with Love and compassion he ran to his son [Music] His son said to him Father I have sinned against both heaven And you and I am no longer worthy of Being called your son But his father said to the servants Quick bring the finest robe in the house And put it on him get a ring for his Finger and sandals for his feet and kill The calf we have been fattening we must Celebrate with A Feast for this son of Mine was dead and now has returned to Life he was lost but now he is found so The party began Meanwhile the older son was in the Fields working when he returned home he
Heard music and dancing in the house [Music] Hey you and he asked one of the servants What was going on your brother is back He was told and your father has killed The fattened calf we are celebrating Because of his safe return what Opera Party time all right Yahoo The older brother was angry and wouldn’t Go in his father came out and begged him Ah a man but he replied all these years I’ve slaved for you and never once Refused to do a single thing you told me To and in all that time you never gave Me even one young goat for a feast with My friends Yet when the son of yours comes back After wasting your money you celebrate By giving him a great feast His father said to him look dear son you Have always stayed by me and everything I have is yours we had to celebrate this Happy day For your brother was dead and has come Back to life he was lost but now he is Found [Music] Stories of the Bible the parable of the Farmer This is Jesus Who is the Son of God and the savior of The world While Jesus was on Earth he taught Everyone about God’s love he healed many
People from their sickness performed Many miracles like calming storms and Even raised people from the dead One day Jesus went and sat beside the Sea a great crowd gathered around him oh Hey everyone so he got in a boat and Told them many things in Parables okay He told them this story A farmer went out to plant some seed As he scattered it across his field some Of the seed fell on a footpath where it Was stepped on And the birds came and ate it Other seed fell on shallow soil among Rocks the seed began to grow quickly Because the soil was shallow but the Plant soon wilted under the hot sun and Since it didn’t have Deep Roots it died Other seed fell among Thorns that grew Up and choked out the tender plants Still other seed fell on fertile soil This seed grew and produced a crop that Was a hundred times as much as had been Planted When Jesus had said this he called out Anyone with ears to hear should listen And understand Foreign [Music] Yeah later the disciples came to Jesus And asked what this Parable meant G what You said the farmer plant seed by taking God’s word to others the seed that fell On the footpath represents those who
Hear the message only to have Satan come At once and take it away the seed on the Rocky soil represents those who hear the Message and immediately receive it with Joy but since they don’t have Deep Roots They don’t last long they fall away as Soon as they have problems or are Treated badly for believing God’s word The seed that fell among the Thorns Represents others who hear God’s word But all too quickly the message is Crowded out by the worries of this life And the desire for other things And the seed that fell on good soil Represents those who hear and accept God’s word and produce a harvest of 30 60 or even a hundred times as much as Had been planted Stories of the Bible the Good Samaritan This is Jesus hey all who is the Son of God and the savior of the world you see When Jesus was on Earth he wanted Everyone to know what God thought about Things so he took every opportunity to Teach people about God’s heart One day a religious expert stood up to Test Jesus by asking him this question Teacher what should I do to inherit Eternal life Jesus replied what does the law say the Man answered you must love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul All your strength and all your mind and Love your neighbor as yourself
Right all right do this and you will Live way the man then asked and who is My neighbor Jesus replied with a story a Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem Down to Jericho and he was attacked by Bandits They stripped him of his clothes beat Him up and left him half dead beside the Road By chance a priest came along [Music] Hey but when he saw the man lying there Ah yuck he crossed to the other side of The road and passed him by la la la la La la la Whoa another man who worked in the Temple who was called a levite walked Over and looked at him lying there But he also passed by on the other side Then a Samaritan came along Samaritans were hated by Jews they were Seen as lesser people and Jews would not Interact with them but when the Samaritans saw the man he felt Compassion for him going over to him the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive Oil and wine and bandaged them Then he put the man on his donkey and Took him to an inn where he took care of Him One room please [Music] The next day he handed The Innkeeper two Silver coins telling him take care of
This man if his bill runs higher than This I’ll pay you the next time I’m here Now which of these three would you say Was a neighbor to the man who was Attacked by Bandits the man replied the One who showed him Mercy then Jesus said Yes now go and do the same [Music] Stories of the Bible the parable of the Great banquet This is Jesus hey all who is the Son of God and the savior of the world While Jesus was on Earth he taught Everyone about God’s love and healed People from their sickness He did many miracles like walking on Water oh my gosh And even raised people from the dead Wahoo One day Jesus Jesus went to eat at the House of a Pharisee said to the Pharisee Who was hosting the meal when you give a Dinner do not invite your friends your Family or your Rich neighbors for they Will invite you back and that will be Your only reward but invite the poor and Those who have trouble seeing and Walking then God will reward you for Inviting those who could not repay you When a man at the table heard what Jesus Said He said to Jesus what a blessing it will Be to attend a banquet in the kingdom of God
Jesus replied with a story A man prepared a great feast and sent Out many invitations Already when the banquet was ready he Sent his servant to tell the guests come The banquet is ready [Music] But they all began making excuses one Said I have just bought a field and must Inspect it please excuse me [Music] Another said I have just bought five Pairs of oxen and I want to try them out Please please excuse me [Music] Married so I can’t come [Music] The servant returned and told his master What they had said what no way his Master was Furious and said go quickly Into the streets and alleys of the town And invite the poor [Music] And those who have trouble seeing and Walking [Music] After the servant had done this he Reported there is still room for more Great all right so his master said go Out into the country lanes and behind The hedges and urge anyone you find to Come so that the house will be full for None of those I first invited will get Even the smallest tastes in my banquet
Foreign [Music] Stories of the Bible the lost sheep [Music] This is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God And the savior of the world While Jesus was on Earth he taught Everyone about God’s love he he healed Many people from their sickness Performed many miracles like calming Storms Shush And even raised people from the dead Wahoo [Applause] [Music] Jesus taught everyone about God’s love All kinds of people would come to hear Jesus speak including tax collectors and People who made bad choices this made The Pharisees and Jewish leaders mad They didn’t think that Jesus should be Around these kind of people Hmm So Jesus told them this story If a man has a hundred sheep and one of Them gets lost Hmm What will he do you stay here won’t he Leave the 99 others and go to search for The one that is lost until he finds it And when he’s found it hey whoa he will Joyfully carry it home When he gets home he will call together
His friends and neighbors saying all Right everyone come here come here Celebrate with me because I have found My lost sheep In the same way there is more joy in Heaven over one Lost Sinner who returns To God then over 99 others who haven’t Strayed away Foreign