The story of Noah and the flood – Genesis 6:9-22
The story of Noah is the story of a righteous man and his obedience to God. It is also the story of the judgment of the world.
Throughout the Bible we are told that a certain group of people, usually a society, has become so evil that they are unfit to be God’s children. In this account the evil is so widespread that God has no other option but to destroy them.
When Noah heard about the impending flood he did not doubt the words of God and did all that God asked him to do.
In order to survive the flood, Noah was instructed to build an ark. The ark was to be large enough to hold Noah and his family as well as two of every kind of land animal and bird.
Noah was to be responsible for providing food for the animals on the ark and for himself as well. In addition, he was to provide water for the animals.
The ark was not to be a vessel of trade but one of safety for all those on board. It was to be made of gopher wood and pitch which means that it would be water-proof.
The ark was designed to save Noah and his family and to establish an atonement for the sins of humanity. It was also to protect the animals from the destructive force of the floodwaters.