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The Bible talks about people who are not Jews and are called Gentiles. The term “Gentile” is derived from the Greek word ethnos which means nations or people groups.

While the Gentiles do not have the written law (the Mosaic Law), they do possess a natural revelation of God through their consciences. The same God who gave the law to Israel created in humans an innate sense of right and wrong.


God will judge every person according to their actions. If they have lived sinlessly, they will receive rewards and eternal life; if they have done wrong, they will face wrath and judgment.

Romans 2:8-9 describe the consequence of evil-the affliction and distress that will come upon every single one of us who breaks God’s moral law. And, in Romans 2:11, we learn that even the judges will be judged.

This is a fascinating text in Romans, for Paul opens this chapter with a grave warning of coming judgment. He goes on to reveal that this comes against a particular type of hypocrite.

Religious Jews (Jews who kept the law of Moses) might protest that they did not commit any of the sins that Paul lists in Romans 1. But the truth is, everyone, religious or unreligious, will be judged for their own personal sins.

It is true that a person will be judged by his works (Romans 3:20), but the only way to avoid such a judgement is to live in accordance with Jesus’ righteousness. Those who do so will be saved.


When God judges a man on judgment day, His eyes will penetrate to every secret that has been hidden from him. It is not just the deeds that are on trial, but also their attitudes, motives, lusts, ambitions, and everything else that is hidden in their heart.

Then, they will be compared to the standard of the Law written on their heart and judged by God accordingly. This is a clear and consistent teaching of the Bible.

In this verse, Paul answers a common question that has arisen among many unbelievers: “Do those who have never heard the law get a free pass to salvation?” He explains that even those in far-off lands will be judged by what they know and how they reject the saving gospel.

Those who do not believe the gospel will be judged according to the Law written on their hearts, and they will stand before Jesus Christ Himself at the great white throne judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). It is not that they will be saved or pardoned by God, but that they will be condemned by Him.

This is what all believers must accept and hold to with confidence. It is the only way to stand before God and be able to receive the reward of eternal life.


In Romans 1 Paul paints a disturbing picture of those who have abandoned all sense of right and wrong. He portrays murderers, liars, thieves, fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, and other debauched people.

In the end, however, these unrighteous people are headed only one way: to spiritual death. The Bible warns that there is an eternal doom for those who reject the Gospel.

Those who believe the Gospel must live accordingly and be careful not to let sin take hold in their lives. But the Bible also warns that even those who are moral and do good can be guilty before God.

This is especially true of those who live out of the law, that is, those who sin outside of God’s prescribed guidelines.

But those who obey the law and do what is right will be justified (or saved) by God. Justification is the basis for eternal life, and is based on the work of Jesus on our behalf.

The good news of the gospel is not only that God loves us and is willing to save the wicked, but that He is willing to give us His gift of righteousness in order to help us live a life worthy of His Son. If we will trust in Him, He will lead us into all truth and help us to grow and mature as a Christian.

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