JESUS Listens: Daily Devotional Prayers of Peace, Joy, and Hope Hardcover #1 Best Seller
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This cannot be How did that oh this is a big big Problem what is a big problem Oh the Wine is gone how can that be oh this is A big problem what’s a problem Oh the Wine is gone oh no how did that happen How did what happen the wine is gone no Yes yes what the wine it’s gone no yes Oh no this is a big problem Can’t you just go out and get more the Master of Ceremonies brought out the Entire town there is not another skin of Wine within a Day’s Journey I can fix This Chris bring me all the grapes you Can find Joy adding 50 pounds of sugar And wine yeast Micah bring me five Months Five months to prevent the wine we don’t Have five months and I can’t fix this The groom’s family will be shamed they Have run out of wine at their son’s Wedding feast and my father’s reputation Will be ruined what are you going to do They have no life What does your concern have to do with Me my hour has not yet come [Music] [Applause] Whatever he says do it Foreign To the top with water [Music] Foreign [Music]
Draw some out now and take it to the Master of the feast Joy it’s water Mary said do whatever Jesus asks Father is in so much trouble The head waiter is going to tell him He’ll serve everyone water What is this Is there a problem Father we had a problem with the wine What kind of problem Oh why doesn’t Superbook ever come when We could use a quick getaway Foreign [Music] This is wonderful [Music] The best wine is always served first Then after the guests have had plenty The other one is served but you have Kept the best wine until last [Music] He turned all the water into wine enough For the whole wedding party