Philip who was one of Jesus’s disciples preached the good news of Jesus in many places one day an angel of the Lord spoke to him and said go south down the desert road so Philip started out and he met the treasurer of Ethiopia. The man had gone to Jerusalem to worship and he was now returning to Ethiopia. He was in his carriage reading the Book of Isaiah out loud.
The Holy Spirit sets Philip to go over and walk along beside the carriage. Philip ran over and heard the man reading and asked, do you understand what you were reading?, the man replied how can I unless someone teaches me. He earnestly tried for Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him. The Ethiopian asked Philip to tell him if Isaiah is talking about himself or someone else’s.
Beginning with this scripture in Isaiah, Philip told the Ethiopian the good news about Jesus. As they rode along, they came to some water, wait hold on, and the Ethiopian said look there’s some water, why can’t I be baptized here? He ordered the carriage to stop looking and they went down into the water. Philip baptized him and when they came up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away and took him to another town. The Ethiopian never saw Philip again but went on his way rejoicing.
Lessons we can learn from here
When God Turns Your Sideways Plans into His Plans
God’s plan is always perfect, but when we have our own plans, we often don’t see the whole picture. God’s plan for us is much bigger than what we can imagine. It is important to keep in mind that God has a plan for us and it is always perfect. We may not understand it at first, but if we trust and believe in him, he will reveal his plans to us and make them clear. What does God want for you? God wants us to be happy and he wants us to enjoy the blessings that he has given us. He doesn’t want us to take things for granted because he loves to see his children happy. God desires the best for all of His children. He wants them to live in peace and prosperity, but
Desert Roads Can Be Fruitful Fields For The Gospel
If we see the desert as a place with nothing but emptiness, then we are missing out on the many lessons that it has to offer. The desert can be a fruitful field for the gospel.
One of the most important lessons that the desert has to offer is how it can teach us how to focus on what is essential. In this world of distractions, it’s hard to find focus and get straight to work. But in the desert, there are no distractions and you are forced to do what needs doing without any excuses.
The Need For Evangelization and Christ is the Message
This is one of the most important sections in the Bible. The message and teachings of Christ have been given to us for a very specific purpose.
The message of Christ has been given to us by God, to be shared with all people, so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly. The Church is the vehicle through which this life-giving message can be communicated, but it is also an organization that must be evangelized. We are called to share His love with all people and invite them into our community where they will find salvation in Him.
How Philip’s Encounter with the Ethiopian Eunuch is a Sign to Us Today
The Ethiopian eunuch was reading Isaiah 53. Philip went over to him and asked if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch replied that he did not, but wanted to understand it better. Philip explained the passage and then baptized him in the water, which is a sign of forgiveness for sin and new life in Christ.
This story is an example of how we should be living our lives today. We should be seeking out people who are not Christians and teaching them about God’s love for them so that they can know Him too.
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The Remarkable Manner in Which the First Martyr for Christ Died – Acts: 7