Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set Review

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural experience of traditional Chinese Mahjong with the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set. Play anywhere with its compact design and durable, scratch-resistant tiles. Enhance your gameplay and indulge in the timeless beauty of Chinese Mahjong.

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural experience of traditional Chinese Mahjong with the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green). This exquisitely crafted set features 146 medium-sized tiles, each adorned with the pure and original characters and iconography used in traditional Chinese mahjong tile art. The scratch-resistant green tiles boast bright engravings that won’t rub off even after repeated play. With a compact red vinyl case and included dice, wind indicator, and instructions, this professional set is perfect for taking your game anywhere. Enhance your gameplay and indulge in the timeless beauty of Chinese Mahjong with this remarkable set.

Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將]

See the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將] in detail.

Why Consider This Product?

When it comes to Chinese Mahjong, the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness is a phenomenal choice for both beginners and experienced players. Here’s why this product deserves your attention:

  1. Authentic Chinese Gameplay: This mahjong set is designed specifically for Chinese-style gameplay, meaning it adheres to the traditional rules used in China. It does not follow American/Western or Japanese/Riichi rules. By using this set, you can experience the true essence of Chinese mahjong.
  2. Pure and Original Design: The Double Happiness set features pure and original characters and iconography used in traditional Chinese mahjong tile art. It showcases the rich cultural heritage of the game, making it a visually striking set to play with.

Features and Benefits

Scratch-Resistant Tiles

The set includes 146 melamine tiles with a green bamboo grain stripes design. These tiles are not only aesthetically pleasing but also scratch-resistant, ensuring their durability even after repeated play. The bright engravings on each tile prevent the paint from rubbing off, enhancing their longevity.

Compact and Portable

Weighing just 9.4 pounds (4.3 kilograms), this mahjong set is impressively sturdy while remaining compact and easy to carry. It comes with a red vinyl case that conveniently holds the entire set, allowing you to take your mahjong games with you wherever you go, whether it’s a family gathering or a vacation.

Complete Set

The Double Happiness set comes with everything you need to start playing right away. Alongside the 146 tiles, it includes 3 dice and a wind indicator. This means you won’t have to worry about purchasing additional accessories separately. The set truly has everything required for a professional Chinese mahjong experience.

Illustrated Instructions

For those who are new to the world of Chinese mahjong, fret not! The set includes illustrated instructions, making it easy for beginners to learn the rules and get started. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned player, these instructions can serve as a handy reference to refresh your memory on specific gameplay details.

Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將]

Get your own Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將] today.

Product Quality

Yellow Mountain Imports is renowned for its commitment to producing high-quality game sets, and the Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness, lives up to that reputation. Each tile is crafted with precision, ensuring uniformity in size and shape. The sturdy construction of the tiles ensures that they can withstand regular use without chipping or damage.

In addition to the quality of the tiles, the inclusion of three dice and a wind indicator adds another layer of convenience and functionality to the set. These accessories are thoughtfully designed and add to the overall enjoyment of the game.

What It’s Used For

Social Bonding

Chinese Mahjong is more than just a game; it’s a fantastic way to connect with family and friends. It provides an opportunity for laughter, friendly competition, and quality time spent together. Whether you’re playing with your loved ones on a cozy evening at home or joining a mahjong club, the Double Happiness set will enhance the bonding experience.

Cultural Appreciation

By delving into the world of Chinese mahjong, you can immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage behind this ancient game. The Double Happiness set embraces the traditional design elements, allowing players to appreciate the beautiful iconography and characters used in Chinese mahjong tile art. Experience the history and artistry firsthand with this exquisite set.

Mental Stimulation

Chinese mahjong is not only an enjoyable pastime but also a mentally stimulating game. It requires strategic thinking, problem-solving, and attention to detail. Engaging in regular mahjong sessions can help improve cognitive skills such as memory, concentration, and decision-making. This game is an excellent exercise for your brain.

Stress Relief

Mahjong offers a respite from the demands of daily life. It provides a chance to unwind, relax, and escape from stress. The focused concentration required during gameplay can help redirect your thoughts and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Spend a few hours enjoying the game, and notice the stress melt away.

Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將]

Product Specifications

To provide a visual representation of the product’s specifications, here is a table outlining the key details:

Number of Tiles 146
Tile Size 34 x 26 x 20 millimeters
Tile Material Melamine
Design Green bamboo grain stripes
Included Accessories 3 dice, wind indicator
Weight 9.4 pounds (4.3 kilograms)
Case Dimensions 32.1 x 25.7 x 5.3 centimeters
Game Style Chinese Mahjong
Language on Tiles Pure and original Chinese characters
Additional Markings Joker tiles are not included
No Arabic numeral markings (except on Flowers)

Who Needs This

The Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness, is perfect for:

  1. Mahjong Enthusiasts: Whether you’re an experienced player or an avid collector, this set provides an authentic and enjoyable Chinese mahjong experience. It caters to the needs of players who appreciate the cultural significance and traditional gameplay of Chinese mahjong.
  2. Families and Friends: Looking for a fun and engaging activity to bond with your loved ones? The Double Happiness set is a fantastic choice for family gatherings, game nights, or social events. It brings people together and creates lasting memories.
  3. Travelers: With its compact and portable design, this mahjong set is ideal for globetrotters and frequent travelers. The convenient red vinyl case allows you to bring the set along on your adventures, ensuring you never miss a chance to play mahjong, no matter where you are.

Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將]

Pros and Cons

Like any product, there are pros and cons to consider when purchasing the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness:


  • Authentic Chinese mahjong experience
  • Scratch-resistant and durable tiles
  • Complete set with essential accessories
  • Compact and portable design
  • Beautiful and culturally significant tile art
  • Instructions included for easy learning


  • Racks and pushers not included
  • Limited to Chinese gameplay style


  1. Are the tiles engraved or printed?
  • The tiles in this set are marked with bright engravings that ensure the paint does not rub off, even with repeated play.
  1. Can I use this set to play American or Japanese mahjong?
  • No, this set is specifically designed for traditional Chinese mahjong gameplay. It does not follow American/Western or Japanese/Riichi rules.
  1. Are the tiles a standard size?
  • Yes, the tiles in this set are medium-sized, measuring 34 x 26 x 20 millimeters each.

Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將]

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have purchased the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness, appreciate its authenticity and durability. They commend the scratch-resistant tiles and admire the beautiful design. Many reviewers also delight in the compactness of the set, which allows for easy transportation.

Overall, customers are satisfied with the quality and functionality of this mahjong set.

Overall Value

With its high-quality construction, authentic design, and complete set of accessories, the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness, provides excellent value for its price. The durability and longevity of the scratch-resistant tiles ensure that you can enjoy countless hours of gameplay without worry.

Tips and Tricks for Best Results

  1. Familiarize yourself with the traditional Chinese mahjong rules before playing with this set. Use the included illustrated instructions as a guide.
  2. Store the mahjong set in the provided compact red vinyl case to protect the tiles and easily transport them.
  3. Consider purchasing a separate rack and pusher set if you prefer using them during gameplay.
  4. Clean the tiles regularly with a soft cloth to maintain their vibrant appearance.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness, offers an exceptional gaming experience for anyone interested in traditional Chinese mahjong. With its authentic design, scratch-resistant tiles, and complete set of accessories, this mahjong set guarantees hours of enjoyment for players of all skill levels.

Final Recommendation

If you’re a mahjong enthusiast, a family looking for a fun activity, or a traveler seeking entertainment on the go, look no further than the Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness. With its high-quality construction and traditional design, this set will elevate your mahjong experience and provide countless hours of enjoyment.

Find your new Yellow Mountain Imports Professional Chinese Mahjong Game Set, Double Happiness (Green) with 146 Medium Size Tiles - for Chinese Style Game Play [專業中式麻將] on this page.

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