The First Plague: Water Turned to Blood – Exodus 7:14-25

God strikes Egypt with His first plague by turning its life-giving Nile to blood, showing His power over its waters and their transformation according to His desires. This event proved that only He held ultimate authority over them all.

How did this remarkable event transpire? There are various explanations.

1. The Sovereignty of God

No doubt it is no accident that both of Egypt’s first and last plagues involved water, with Pharaoh using his Nile as an instrument for genocide against Hebrew males.

At first glance, this plague illustrates God’s sovereignty. Moses and Aaron obeyed exactly when God ordered them to turn the Nile water into blood – this wasn’t an everyday event and could even be seen as an extreme miracle (like Toledo). Either way, it shows his control over all aspects of creation as well as His plan to deliver his people from oppression.

2. The Power of God

At first glance, God’s power was demonstrated here. This wasn’t accomplished through natural forces – wind or rains could not do the same as him – but instead this was His hand against Egypt and their oppressive laws.

God instructed Moses and Aaron to strike all of Egypt’s water sources – not only the Nile but rivers, canals, streams, ponds and pools as well – until all their streams had turned red with blood, thus showing His authority over every source of life on Earth and challenging Pharaoh and all other deities to worship this one true God; David references such an event in Psalm 33.

3. The Sovereignty of Moses

God begins His destruction of Egypt with a devastating flood on their Nile River, their source of wealth, prosperity, and security – an entity they worshiped as god!

God instructed Moses to stretch out his hand over the waters of Egypt so they would become blood-red – an event witnessed by Pharaoh and his servants, just as promised by Him. Everything unfolded exactly according to plan!

What this shows us is that, although nature may appear random and chaotic, our sovereign God remains fully in control. He can transform a nation’s waters into blood with just one move of His finger or make sticks turn into snakes or hands leprous in an instantaneous response.

The Nile Turns to Blood Exodus 71425

4. The Sovereignty of Aaron

Egypt experienced its first plague when the Nile River ran red like blood as an act against Hapi, the god responsible for flooding it and giving life to all things. (Watch this eerie footage of a freshwater river in Israel that turned red with animal blood seeping into it.)

As Pharaoh watched, Aaron raised his staff and struck the water of the Nile with it. Fish died, the river turned foul-smelling, and Egyptians couldn’t drink its waters anymore – all this demonstrated God’s sovereignty over life itself, including water; He can transform its flow at will; this also proved His power was greater than Egypt’s magicians’ magic; even their “secret arts” couldn’t undo His miracle!

5. The Sovereignty of Pharaoh

God had one purpose in mind in creating Pharaoh, protecting and nurturing him throughout his infancy and childhood, raising him to Egypt’s throne and sending severe judgments that hardened Pharaoh’s heart: ultimately leading up to his overthrow.

The plagues are intended to demonstrate that there is only one true God, as well as His control of everything in existence and ability to bring about what He desires.

Pharaoh was an immense divine leader with unimaginable powers, owning land, dispensing justice and ruling by royal decree. However, this did not make him all-powerful: other officials managed day-to-day affairs of his country while advisors and ministers helped formulate policies.

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