Everlasting God – Chris Tomlin – (Lyric Video)

Everlasting God By Chris Tomlin

Everlasting God is the third of the Names of God revealed to Abraham. When faced with difficult circumstances which may include trials and afflictions, it is a good practice to focus on the Names of God and His attributes revealed by those Names.

This Name reminds us that He is unchanging and dependable.

Eternal Life

God offers us eternal life—the gift of a new, intimate personal relationship with Him. He desires all people to receive this life, including those whom society deems as “good,” as well as those who have committed evil.

Eternal life is defined by Jesus in John 17:3. He says that eternal life is knowing the only true God, and His Son who has sent Him. This life is not only biologically unending, but it is also full of goodness and genuineness that transcends time.

Eternal life is not given to those who simply believe in Jesus; it is only given to those who trust Him without reservation. This is why the Bible calls it “living trust.” When you trust Him completely, you can rest assured that His plan for your life is eternal, and that He will never fail. He is the everlasting God. He was around before there was a heaven or earth, and He will be here long after we have left this one.

Eternal Strength

Everlasting God is a powerful revelation of the magnificent omnipotence of our Heavenly Father. He is the one who created the ends of the earth, so His strength is unlimited! He can lift the heavy burdens, provide for all our needs and even heal our diseases.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of those who lack might. He is the ELOHIM ADONAI our God, the JEHOVAH JIREH who cares for His people. He is not a changeable God, blown to and fro as men’s plans are, but He is an enduring God, undeterred by human weakness.

He knows our every need and He promises never to abandon us. He is the one who is with us even when our loved ones are gone, and He will be there forever. He is the one who was before all worlds, and He will be there after all worlds. He is without beginning of days or end of life, and He will be there when the earth and all things that are in it are destroyed.

Eternal Hope

Isaiah 40:28 promises that no matter how dark and hopeless things might seem, there is an everlasting light that will illuminate the way ahead. It is the light of Christ who will be revealed to all who believe in Him. This is the hope that keeps believers going through the darkest trials of this life.

Revelation 21:9-27 describes God dwelling forever in His glorious new city with his redeemed covenant people from all nations. This will be a time when all of the threats and obstacles that keep us from perfect fellowship with God will be removed.

The word olam (everlasting) is used over 300 times in the Bible and it is associated with such concepts as eternity, eternal, perpetual, and never changing. It fits God’s preexistence before time began and His eternal plan to restore Paradise lost through humanity’s Fall. It also fits His plan to bring all things together under Christ to become one kingdom for all eternity.

Eternal Love

Everlasting love is a common theme throughout the Bible. It is the type of love that forgives, protects, hopes, and rejoices in truth. Whether through His merciful kindness or harsh judgment, God’s love is steadfast and unchanging.

Jeremiah’s words paint a picture of God’s enduring love for His people. Even though they are often a rebellious and resentful people, God remains faithful to them.

This everlasting love is the basis for His covenant with them. It is a love that He offers to all people who are saved through Christ’s work on the cross. Jesus’ sacrificial love overcomes sin’s death and darkness, freeing us from its curse (1 John 2:2, Eph 5:7-note). It is the same powerful love that sustains us today as He gives us hope in this broken world. It is the kind of love that never grows tired. He is the “Everlasting” God. He loves you.

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