God Promises Peace
Whether we are looking for peace in our personal relationships or in the world at large, God Promises Peace.
John 14:27 tells us that if we remain in Jesus Christ, He will give us the perfect peace which passes all understanding. This peace will calm our internal conflicts and things that vex the spirit. It will move into the crevices of our hearts and eliminate those issues which keep us in bondage.
We cannot get this peace from anything or anyone else. It is only a gift from the Lord, and he alone can provide it.
The Holy Spirit helps us to know the difference between the peace that comes from our own efforts and the true gift of Gods love, mercy and grace. He shows us how to walk with God through this life, as well as how to rest and relax in His presence.
God is our peace, our fortress and our shield (Isaiah 46:1). His words are the rock that we are built upon and are the source of our strength.
To find real, lasting peace, we must turn away from material possessions and focus on the spirit. This requires a discipline to feed the soul with His word, music and song every day.
It also means committing to reflect before reacting, so we don’t miss out on His wisdom and His direction for our life. Sometimes it’s difficult to do this in the midst of strife, but when we can, it’s vital. It’s when we are able to be quiet and listen that we can hear God speak to our hearts.