God Made You Wonderfully Complex: Psalm 139:14

God Made You Wonderfully Complex: Psalm 139:14 “My God, how wonderful a creation you are.” What a beautiful and powerful reminder for us to live our lives with more gratitude. We are God’s image and likeness, and He has given us a complex mind with the capacity to judge right from wrong. So, how do we live with such a complex brain? How do we learn to live our lives with more gratitude?

You are God’s masterpiece

God Made You Wonderfully Complex: Psalm 139:14

You are God’s masterpiece. A masterpiece is an object or work that is far above the ordinary or the expected. It is a perfect example of what is possible when a Masterworks His magic. You are a masterpiece because God designed you for His purposes. This is the reason He has given you the responsibility of carrying out His will. If you want to become a confident leader, you must live up to God’s high standard.

When God created the world, He separated the land from the sea and spoke abundant life into existence. He admired every part of creation. In Genesis 1:5, God stands back in delight. Every aspect of creation is a work of art and an example of his mastery. You are God’s canvas and he is an artist. Therefore, when we look at God’s creation, we can be confident that we are His masterpiece.

You are His image and likeness

God Made You Wonderfully Complex: Psalm 139:14

When you are created in God’s image, you reflect the qualities that define God. These attributes include love, light, holiness, and righteousness. Humans are also created in His likeness, and in so doing, reflect his character traits. The Bible says we are created in God’s image and likeness. As rulers over the world, humans were intended to reflect the qualities that define God. But, since Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, humanity lost our relationship with God and turned away from God.

Genesis 1:1 reveals the intent of God in creating humanity. In addition to the creation of mankind in the image of God, it also describes the process of creation. The language in Genesis reveals God’s creative power and demonstrates the idea that He is the creator of all things, including humans. And we are made in His image and likeness. And, as we have been created in His image and likeness, we share God’s attributes.

You have a complex brain

The Bible describes your brain as marvelously complex, and in Psalm 139:15, God speaks of the brain as a “curiously wrought thing,” a word that actually means “embroidered.” That means that the brain network is intricate and complicated, which is why it’s an appropriate metaphor for a human brain. The brain allows us to think, process, and relate to others. It is the result of these various systems working together to create a unique and complex person.

You have the ability to discern right from wrong

God Made You Wonderfully Complex: Psalm 139:14

In a biblical worldview, the ability to discern right from wrong is vital to living a life of uncompromising purity. God has given us the ability to discern right from wrong, but if we fail to use it, we risk being swept along by every wind of doctrine. So, how do we use this gift? By reading the Scriptures and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. The answer is to apply the principle of biblical discernment to all areas of our lives.

You can feel compassion

God Made You Wonderfully Complex: Psalm 139:14

You are uniquely made by God. He created you with the inner organs that allow you to think, process information, and express compassion to others. You are also designed with the entire system of emotions and mind, all of which are perfectly crafted and made for you. Until we are connected to the Creator, our ability to distinguish right from wrong becomes impeded. God created us with a desire for relationships, and we can feel compassion because of that.

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