The future King – Isaiah 9:1-7
In this OT prophecy the LORD looks ahead to the coming of Jesus Christ as the Savior of all the world. He is the promised Light and He appears to sinful men, but they hate Him and reject Him. But this is not the end, He will be the light of all nations in His Second Coming.
The Light shines upon the people that have been in darkness, those who have been enslaved and oppressed. This is the promise of Christ and it is one of the most glorious promises in all of Scripture.
God has broken the yoke that had been laid on them, He has destroyed the staff that beat them, and He has broken the rod of their oppressors. It is a wonderful picture of the deliverance from oppression that is given to the Church through the work of Christ on the cross and by the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.
This is a time of joy for the remnant that remains in Israel. The gloom and the anguish of the coming Assyrian invasion has been lifted. This is a time of great joy and hope for all who are seeking the coming of the Messiah.
This is a picture of the day of the Lord that is coming and He will bring with Him a new government. It is a government of righteousness. The Messiah will have power to bind and loose and He will be a great king, a wonderful king. He will be called by four names: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.