The Holy Spirit – God Will Tell You What to Say


7 Reasons You Can Be Confident When Sharing Your Faith

The Holy Spirit will help you tell what to say. In the Bible, He will tell you through quickening or checks in your spirit. You may even sense His presence while reading a passage of Scripture. If you have an inner witness, you will know what to say, even if you do not hear an audible voice or words. You will feel His presence and this inner knowing will guide you in your message.

2 Timothy 1:7 TLB “For the Holy Spirit, God’s gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love them and enjoy being with them.”

Acts 1:8 TLB “But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about Me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection.”

#1 Do Not Be Ashamed To Tell Others About Our Lord Jesus

Romans 1:16 ESV For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

We must not be ashamed to tell others about our faith, because people do not understand why they are here. Even if you are a Christian, you should not be afraid to share your faith with non-believers. Most of them have no idea why they are here on this earth. The Bible tells us that we will be reunited with God when we die, but we must not be afraid to tell those around us about our Savior.

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The temptation to shame is a constant battle that we must fight. Our Lord has promised that he will come again to reclaim the world, so do not fear if you are not ready to share your faith. If we are not prepared, we will feel uncomfortable and shy about it. In the scriptures, we are warned to prepare ourselves for trials and that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say.

Our Lord Jesus warns us against being afraid to preach the gospel. We must be prepared to endure suffering in order to share the gospel. The Holy Spirit will teach us to speak the truth in love. Therefore, we must not be afraid to tell others about our Lord.

#2 Find the Key to Someone’s Heart and Lead Them to Jesus

John 3:16 ESV “For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Finding the key to someone’s heart and leading them to Christ is a powerful way to share the gospel. Most people are searching for answers to the questions of life, meaning, and purpose. Jesus can provide those answers and fill their longings. When you speak of Jesus and the love of God, you open the door to life-changing conversations.

Puzzle, Heart, Love, Two Hearts, Partnership

It’s not always easy to lead people to the Lord. This is why it’s important to surround yourself with influential people who can inspire others to change their lives. It’s not easy, but it works! If you want to make a lasting impact, surround yourself with people who have experienced God’s love. If you’re willing to do this, you’ll have a greater chance of being successful.

Once you’ve found the key to someone’s heart, use it to lead them to Jesus. You can do this through Scripture and by talking to people who have a relationship with God. In this way, you’ll be able to lead them to your own faith.

#3 You Don’t Have to Know All the Answers But Jesus Does

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

You don’t need to know all the answers to life’s most difficult questions. Jesus has the answers for you, and you don’t have to know them yourself. He doesn’t expect you to. He comes to answer your questions, not to make you feel bad or ashamed. Rather, His mission is to provide the answers you need. Regardless of your current situation, you don’t need to be an expert on everything – He already knows.

Those words of Jesus don’t have to be yours. He wasn’t reading the New Testament, or preaching it as a book. These are words from his mouth, common wisdom. The Scriptures include passages from the prophet Isaiah and five books of Moses, as well as the book of Psalms. The gospel isn’t complicated, but it does require some work on your part.

You dont have to know all the answers but Jesus does

The Bible says in Mark 16:19-20 NIV “After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”

The great commission, as we have read in Mark 16:15-16, is to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creatures.” This verse calls us to make disciples of Jesus Christ in every nation.  We don’t have to know all the answers but Jesus does. We just need to follow and obey. Preach the gospel, Jesus said. The whole creation must be converted. If we are to be true disciples, we must be willing to share the good news with every human being on earth.

#4 You’re Not Alone When You Share Your Hope in Jesus

Youre Not Alone When You Share the gospel of Jesus

As a born-again Christian missionary, you will never be alone. God is always with you, and He works through the power of His Word and the Holy Spirit. There are many ways to share the Gospel with others, and you are not alone!

Practice. It’s always helpful to know a few Bible verses that get to the heart of the gospel. You can read these verses whenever you’re in conversation with someone. This can give you a little boost and encourage you to keep on sharing the gospel.

Here’s what some of the best gospel sharing strategies are: (1) Memorize key passages from Scripture.
(2) Use a personal letter. A letter written from the heart can be a good way to share the gospel with someone. You can include a personal testimony and a gospel fact. Tell a simple story about Jesus. This can be fun for all ages. Have someone write it down so you can recite it when you’re sharing the gospel with someone else.

#1 The Holy Spirit is With You When You Share Your Hope in Christ

Luke 21:13-15 CEV13 But this will be your chance to tell about your faith. 14 Don’t worry about what you will say to defend yourselves. 15 I will give you the wisdom to know what to say. None of your enemies will be able to oppose you or to say that you are wrong.”

The Bible says that we should share our hope in Christ, and we should not be ashamed of it. The great commission Jesus gave us is to go and make disciples of all nations. By sharing our hope in Christ, we are demonstrating our respect for God. We should also be prepared to answer questions about our hope in the gospel.

God is with you when you share your hope in Christ

There are many reasons for this hope. Sometimes it is the unexpected things that happen in life that make us feel hopeful. The Bible tells us that even in the darkest days we can find hope. Job, the storyteller, is experiencing a particularly difficult time in his life. However, his faith and hope in God keep him buoyant. When life gets tough, we should never lose hope. This is because we are not alone in our circumstances.

Sharing our hope in Christ is not easy. But remember that God is with us. Through His Holy Spirit, we can share our hope with others and help them find peace and eternal life. When we share our hope in Christ, we are helping others to see our faith in Christ. As long as we remain gentle and respectful and loving of Christ, He will help us to share our hope in Jesus with others.

#2 The Holy Spirit is Working On Your Heart And The Other Person’s Heart While You’re Sharing the Gospel

Acts 8:26-40 ESV Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. 

God is working on other persons heart while youre sharing

When you are sharing the gospel with someone, you should be open to whatever God has to say to them. Don’t go into the conversation with your own agenda in mind, ask God for guidance. You’ll be surprised at what He has to say, and you’ll learn that you’re not alone. And this can be an opportunity to share your faith with someone who might not be ready to make a decision yet.

We can’t do this alone, but we can follow God’s direction. The Bible says that when we have a heart for the people around us, He will use it to bring them to Himself. If you’re a Christian, remember that you are part of a larger community, and your community has a powerful influence on the decisions you make. This is the only way to discover the calling of your life.

We are surrounded by communities of believers, and we can’t discern our calling in isolation. The needs of the world are a form of community, and they influence our freedom in Christ. Therefore, you should ask people about what they see as God’s calling and what they see as your gifts and skills. And let them share their deepest desires. That way, you can be sure that you’re focusing on God’s will and not your own.

#3 The Holy Spirit Will Tell You What To Say When You Need It

Luke 12:12 ESV “for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

One of the most important aspects of sharing the gospel is praying. You must remember that sharing the gospel does not come naturally, and you will encounter many barriers and obstacles along the way. However, if you are faithful, the Holy Spirit will guide you and give you wisdom in your discussions. You must not be afraid to share the gospel, and the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say. It will not be easy to tell people about Jesus, but it will be a rewarding experience.

God Will Tell You What to Say When you share the gospel

There are a lot of statements in the Bible that can help you share the gospel effectively. You can start by looking at the Gospel of John. In the Bible, there are many passages on truth. The Ten Commandments are an example of a passage that you can read aloud. You can also read poetry or other material from the New Testament to inspire others. You can also lookup a specific scripture in the Bible and try it out with them.

The Bible offers a lot of wisdom. If you’re looking for guidance, pray to the Holy Spirit. The Bible has numerous statements on truth. Some of them are in the New Testament, which commands us to love God, are among these passages.

#5 God is Sending You Out to Tell Others About His Love and Forgiveness

2 Corinthians 5:20 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

God is sending you out to tell others about His love and forgiveness

If you want to be an ambassador for God, you must share your faith with the world. This is your calling, and God is sending you out to do just that. He calls you to forgive others, so you must forgive yourself. When you do that, you become an ambassador for God, which is an honor and a blessing. If you have never shared your faith before, you may be afraid. It may seem like you have to be a salesperson to convince people to share your faith, but it is not! It can be a great confidence maker.

The Bible is full of verses about forgiveness. If you are having trouble forgiving someone, you can find one that applies to your situation. Forgiveness is an important part of our relationship with God. Forgiveness is a critical step in building a relationship with Him. This is why God sent Jesus to earth to pay for our sins and make us right with Him.

Forgiveness is a key element in God’s story. It is unearned. Other worldviews teach that you must earn your way to God by mastering certain practices, but the Bible teaches that forgiveness comes free. All we need to do is ask for God’s forgiveness. In return, you will receive forgiveness, which is the key to your relationship with God. This means you will be made right with God.

#6 God Has Called You to Represent Him Everywhere You Go

1 Peter 2:9 ESV “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

We are sent to represent Him wherever we go, so we should be confident enough to speak about our faith. We all have the same inner longings and desire for God. You will find that you’re more confident when you share your faith with others.

God has called you to represent him everywhere you go

In the first century, very few people received an individual call from God. These days, this is rare, and we need to be careful not to over-exert ourselves. It is not enough to feel the prompting of God and immediately get to work. We need to be aware of the needs of our world and seek guidance in discernment. If you are a Christian who accepted Jesus in your heart, you’ve been commissioned to represent him wherever you go.

Today, only a few people receive a personal call from God. Such a calling is rare and isn’t the norm. It doesn’t require any guidance from other people. But it is vital to follow God’s prompting and represent him wherever you go. If you feel that you are called to evangelize, don’t let the fear of rejection stop you! Remember that God’s work is the only way we are saved. We must be willing to take the time to discern and obey.

#7 You’ve Got the “Truth” That Sets People Free

John 8:32 ESV “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Youve Got the Truth That Sets People Free

“You have the truth; you have the power, and the truth will set you free,” Jesus declared in John 8:32. The “you” in that verse refers to those who believed in Jesus. He also said that He is the truth and that His Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Despite the powerful effects of knowing the truth, it is hard to live a life of freedom. We’ve heard the saying, “You’ve got the truth, so you should live it.” But what about the consequences of living a lie? There are physical consequences – fines and jail time – and spiritual consequences such as death and guilt. The devil has no use in trying to bring us back into slavery. The devil’s strategy is to distract us from living a life of liberty in Christ.

In John 8:32, Christ promised to set the people free from their oppression and give them a new freedom. He says, “And the truth will set you free.” This is not about political freedom, it is about a person’s relationship with God. So, the truth must be true for a person to receive freedom.


The Holy Spirit’s Power and Truth Are in You

The Holy Spirit’s power and truth are in you. He uses your worldly knowledge and experience to empower you to obey God and follow His leading. He gives you the confidence to live for His will and to choose obedience over self-indulgence. In the Bible, the Holy Spirit teaches us about how we can receive His help in every situation.

The Holy Spirit empowers believers by imparting gifts. The Spirit bestows different gifts to different people in the Body of Christ. Each gift equips a believer for a specific calling and Kingdom purpose. The Spirit’s gifts are described in Ephesians 4:11-12. The truth of God is in you. The power of the Holy One is in you. It is in you, and you are a vessel through which He imparts the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a force that empowers human beings. His power allows you to influence people’s actions and the course of events. It empowers men to accomplish God’s plan and will.

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