Whoever Believes in the Son Has Eternal Life – John 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life  John 336

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life – John 3:36

The New Testament consistently links the idea of “eternal life” to the person of Jesus Christ. This is not a reference to years, as many Christians think of it, but rather to an experience of God.

Eternal life can only be achieved by trusting the Lord Jesus and His finished work at Calvary.

What does this mean?

A Christian can have everlasting life only by accepting the free gift of salvation, which is only offered to those who come to Jesus through faith in His death and resurrection.

This is the only way to be saved from the wrath of God and gain the peace and forgiveness and security of immortal life.

What is the relationship between this verse and other Bible passages?

Those who teach the Lordship Salvation doctrine typically interpret in verse 36 to mean that one can only be saved by faith plus obedience. This is in direct opposition to the clear teaching of Scripture, which teaches that salvation is by faith alone.

Another error in this interpretation is that it actually makes eternal life conditioned on the sinner’s faith plus his obedience. This is contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture, and the Lordship Salvation view is not a sound teaching.

If we look at the Bible more closely, we will see that a person’s salvation is given to them at the moment they believe in Jesus and trust Him as their Savior. Those who choose not to accept the free gift of salvation can spend eternity in hell, where they will face the wrath of God.

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