The Conversion of 3000 Souls: The story begins with Jesus’ public preaching of the gospel to a group of listeners. Those who were receptive to Jesus’ message were baptized, and three thousand souls were added to the Church that day. In this passage, we learn what the receptive audience of three thousand people responded like, “What are you doing?”
James 1:19Â ESV Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
The Lord Jesus Christ is calling many people to himself. They are searching for answers to their awful sin. Men must confront their sin before they can be saved, but the conversion will not happen if they are indifferent to it or think they have no sin. The gospel calls us to repentance and conversion. The Bible says that the gospel is the Word of God and that every man has the power to change his life.
Acts 16:31 ESV And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
The response to the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Is a powerful and poignant one. Peter is answering what the listeners asked. He tells them that the results of repentance, baptism, forgiveness and the Holy Spirit are necessary to attain salvation. Peter does not say that the listeners cannot contribute to their salvation; rather, he tells them what they must do to receive the benefit of salvation.
Peter’s sermon reached thousands of people, but not all were converted. It was important to note that each apostle was preaching to different people in different languages and in different houses. Of these 3000 people, only one in five were converted. Because of this, there was no single person responsible for the conversion of these people. It was the combined efforts of the apostles, that resulted in the conversion of these three thousand souls.
In his reply to the conversion of three thousand souls, Peter tries to emphasize the work of the Son in sending the Spirit. He also emphasizes that Jesus died on the cross for the salvation of the world. And this restoration of all things would include new heaven and earth, the resurrected Christ ruling, and the punishment of Satan and disbelievers. All this would take place before the end of the age, which was originally promised to the Jewish people.
Acts 2:41Â ESV So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.
During the conversion of three thousand souls, Jesus solemnly testified about his promise to the people of Israel. He continued to exhort people to repent and be saved. They received his word and were baptized. At the same time, they continued to share their possessions and preach the gospel. The Lord added to their number every day.
Luke is also the author of the Gospel. He chronicles the life of the early church, including the ministry of Jesus to the Gentiles. The author of Luke’s Gospel speaks in the first person, as he would have had access to eyewitness accounts and the disciples. Unlike other Gospels, Luke writes as part of the action, recording events as they occur.
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