Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
God will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. This is a promise that He made to His people in the Old Testament. He once delivered His people from Egypt and promised to make a way for them through the wilderness. The Israelites were at their worst, with the Egyptian army thinking the Israelites would perish in the desert. But, God gave them a plan and promised to make a path for them.
Remember that you are never alone. When you feel that you are behind, remember that God will make a way for you. He made a way for Israel out of Egypt, across the Red Sea, and into the promised land. Whether you’re behind others or in the middle of a hard task, God is with you. Whether you’re facing a mountain, a valley, or a muddy bog, He’s got your back. And if you’re feeling lost, remember that God is always with you.
When you feel like you’re behind, remember that God made a way for those who were before you. His word promises that He will make a way for you. Even if your situation is difficult, God will make a way for you. When you’re feeling like you’re behind, remind yourself of His promise and He will make a way for you. And as you go about your day, you’ll find peace and joy. And you’ll never feel like you’re falling behind again.
Our Lord is the great provider and Creator of all things. God will make a way for you and make a path to your destination. He’ll help you, and you’ll be free. He’ll take you where you’re going! He’ll make a way for you. You won’t have to struggle on your own; He will take care of everything. And, when you need it, He’ll be there for you.
We can be foolish sometimes, but we can never be as silly as animals. That’s why we must worship God and praise Him, not idolize ourselves. By doing this, we can become more like God and see His power. It’s a divine gift that you should not miss. So, if you’re in the middle of a hard situation, look to your Savior for help. He’ll make a way for you.
Our Lord has always made a way for His people. He did it in the wilderness. He is the God of the wilderness. In the desert, a mountain will become a road and a valley. The wilderness will be level and the rough places will be plain. When we do that, we will be like God. In the end, we will be free. Our Creator has a plan for us. He is our Creator and He will make a way for us.
Also See: 75 God Will Make A Way Quotes To Reassure You In Tough Times

Isaiah 43:19. The Lord will make a way. Every mountain will become low. The rough and uneven ground will be flat and smooth. The God of the universe is capable of making a way. He has created the world and is the one who crafted it. He knows how to handle tough situations. The word “God Will Make a Way” means that we’re not in control. If we don’t trust God, we’ll be defeated by the enemy.
In Isaiah 43, God wants us to remember that God will make a way through the sea. He doesn’t say He will make a way when you don’t know how to navigate the sea. It is God who will make the way through the sea. And He will be with us through it. And if we don’t do that, we’re not going to see God’s hand. He will help us to trust in Him, and then we’ll trust Him to make a difference in our lives.
In Isaiah 43:19, the Creator promises that there will be a new thing. All mountains will be brought low. The rough ground will become flat and the mountains will be lifted up. It’s not that we’ll be able to make our way out of the wilderness, but God will make a way. So, whether we feel behind or ahead of other people, the Lord will make a way for us.
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He Who Makes a Way Through the Sea
This passage in Isa 43:16 talks about the LORD making a way through the sea. He opens a path through the mighty waters and prepares the way for His people to follow. We should not fear the seas because God will open a way for us. This is because God has made a way for us. Despite our fear and apprehensions, we can follow the LORD’s lead and find refuge in Him.
God Initially Led The Israelites Away From Trouble
When they were in the midst of great trials, God initially led them away from trouble in order to save them. He knew that they would not be able to handle the troubles, and He wanted to spare them. This is why He chose a different path than the Philistines. Because the Israelites would have lost heart in the event of war, God decided to lead them by a different route. He promised them that He would be with them and provide them with guidance through a pillar of cloud.
God led the Israelites to a Dead-End
After freeing the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, God led them to a dead-end. They landed up encamped right up against the sea, becoming sitting ducks for Pharaoh and his army. It’s a good thing that God rescued them from slavery! But what if they had forgotten that God had freed them? Would they have been content with the spoils of Egypt, or would they have turned around?
What if God led the Israelites to a dead-end? From a military standpoint, it was suicidal for them to camp by the sea. After all, Pharao thought they were trapped by the sea and would have no way out. They were sitting ducks, and he would have been able to do nothing about it! And yet, the Israelites were not allowed to turn back. They mistrusted God and Moses.
In the book of Exodus, we read about God’s specific direction to Moses. He led the Israelites into a camp by the Red Sea, which was suicidal from a military perspective. As Pharao realized that the Israelites were not ready to fight, he decided to lead them in a different direction. He told Moses to keep them moving in Egypt’s neighborhood in order to avoid becoming a target.
God then made a way where there was no way!
We have all had times in our lives when we felt hopeless and our faith was breaking. We can relate to the situation Abraham was in; he took his only son, Isaac, and sacrificed him before God. But there was no way out until God made a plan for His children. In the midst of a terrible situation, He made a promise to them that He would keep. He promised that He would provide them with everything they need, including their faith.
The story of the Exodus is one of the most famous stories in the Old Testament. The Old Testament writers refer to this time as a time of deliverance and salvation. They emphasize God’s power to end any threat. The Hebrews believed that the Exodus was the beginning because they were saved from Egyptian slavery. The Exodus was one of the most famous stories of this time.
In the Bible, God often uses difficult situations to show His mighty power. The Red Sea was deep enough to destroy the Egyptian army and God gave all the credit for this miraculous event. Psalm 106:9-14 describes this story. Asaph used it to show that God’s mighty power is able to work even in the most difficult circumstances. It is a good lesson for our lives, and we can apply it to our own circumstances.
Conclusion -God Will Make a Way
If you have lost everything, you may be wondering how to get back to the life you’ve always wanted. The book will show you how to put God’s promises into practice. The story is a true one. In Exodus 14:14-17, we read about the Israelites being sandwiched between the huge red sea and the menacing chariots of the Egyptian army. They were terrified, and despite what they heard, they didn’t turn back. Instead, they prayed to God and moved forward in His name.
The children of Israel were saved from Egypt by the power of God, and His provision brought them through the desert and into their homeland. But when they returned, they were trapped in their old ways. That’s when they began to wander and lost faith in God. The Lord provided a way for them to return, and the Israelites were saved. When they were in exile, God provided streams in the desert.
This passage gives us hope for our own circumstances. It reminds us that God never sleeps and cares about what’s happening in our lives. It is never too late to trust that He will make a way for you. And no matter what happens, the end result will always be good, whether you can see it or not. You may not see it, but God sees it all, and His love will provide a solution to your problem. There is no need to fear, and He will work things out. Amen