The Fall of the Walls of Jericho – Joshua 5:13-6:20 – Stories of the Bible

This animated Bible story for kids tells the story of Joshua and the Walls of Jericho.

Biblical passages: Joshua 5:13-6:20

One of the best historical accounts in the Old Testament is the story of Joshua and his conquest of Jericho. Joshua and his troops were tasked with conquering the city of Jericho, a place that had been settled for hundreds of years.

The city of Jericho had a great deal of significance, if only for its massive walls. These were strong and sturdy defenses against attack. They may have been the oldest in the world.

There are no historical records that indicate when the walls were constructed or when they fell, but archaeologists believe that the earliest settlements date to 8,000 BC. This may make the city an early center of moon-god worship.

Interestingly, one of the most impressive things that the ancients built was not the actual walls of the city, but a mudbrick wall that has survived to this day. Its height is more than two meters.

This mudbrick wall is now part of the base of a stone retaining wall. When the wall collapsed, the bricks were deposited on the base of the stone wall.

Unlike the Romans, the people of Jericho would not have allowed an army of the undead to enter the city. Moreover, they did not believe in God. Clearly, they did not expect their city to be taken by the Jews.

The biggest challenge for Joshua and his men was to make it out of the city intact. To accomplish this, the Israelites were to march around the city seven times.

The Fall of the walls of Jericho  Joshua 513620

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