Fear not

Fear Not – Truths About God’s Promises About The Power Of Fear

Fear not, the Bible reveals some truths about God’s promises about the power of In Exodus, the Israelites acknowledge being afraid of a fortified army that would conquer their They recall God’s promises to give them land and…


God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation

God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation: The Bible says that sin promises us things that it can never give and cannot give The truth of God’s word can combat this To begin to overcome temptation, learn a scripture…


God’s Promises For Children and Family

God’s Promises For Children and Family: Parents are responsible for bringing up their children in the way they should go, and having children is God’s Children absorb the strength and care of their If they grow up in…

God promises protection

God Promises Deliverance and Protection

God Promises Deliverance and Protection: The Bible is replete with examples of God’s promise of deliverance and His servants are protected from life-threatening situations because He watches over God has promised deliverance and protection to those He commissions…

phil 4 19

God Promises to Supply All Our Needs

God Promises to Supply All Our Needs: Philippians 4:19 tells us that God is rich and But what does this promise really mean? What does it mean when God says “I will supply all your needs”? How does this…


God’s Promises About Money

God’s Promises About Money: Tithing is a great way to honor God with your Tithing a portion of your income to God is a good way to honor God’s He says He will multiply your You will…

White Dove

God Promises The Holy Spirit

God promises the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is God’s gift to us through His He guides us into all truth and helps us understand what He has Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to His apostles…


God Promises A New Heart And Forgiveness

  God promises a new heart and What does it mean? It means that you will be forgiven for your sins and will be brought back to your rightful It also means that you will no longer be…