Proverbs 3:5-6 – Living by the Wisdom of God

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Proverbs 3:5-6 – Living by the Wisdom of God

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a beautiful statement of what it means to trust in God with all of your heart. When you have faith in God and His ways, you will reap many benefits. You will be prosperous, secure, and happy in your life. You will not be tempted by evil, and you will not worry about your future.

1 – The Lord is our Shepherd and Guide

When we seek to walk in wisdom, we will be guided by God into the path of safety. He has designed this path and will keep us from harm if we will listen to him.

2 – The Lord’s Wisdom is Greater than Our Own Understanding

When you have faith in God and His ways, your path will be straight because you are following him. He will show you the right way to go and give you wisdom that you might be able to find your way through the trials of life.

3 – The Lord’s Wisdom is More Precious than Gold

When you are living by the wisdom of God, you will see that it is more valuable than gold. It will provide you with longevity, success, guidance, health, a reward that exceeds your monetary wealth, enjoyment, peace, security, confidence, excellent human relationships, and the Lord’s blessing and favor and honor.

4 – The Lord’s Wisdom is More Important than Your Own Thoughts

When we are walking in the wisdom of God, it is important to not let our thoughts and emotions take the forefront. We need to remember that our thoughts and feelings are just our interpretation of what God is saying, so we need to be careful that we don’t try to interpret what we feel is right.

5 – The Lord’s Wisdom is More Blessed than Your Own Understanding

When you live by the wisdom of God, you will be happy. Your storerooms will be full and you will have large jars that will spill over with wine because of the abundance you are blessed with from living in the wisdom of God.

6 – The Lord’s Wisdom is Direct and Scriptural

When we live in the wisdom of God, we will have a direct line to Him and we can trust in His word and trust that He will lead us in the right direction. He will make our paths straight and we will have success if we follow His way.

7 – The Lord’s Wisdom is More Healthful than Your Own Bowel and Bones

When we are living in the wisdom of God, we will have healthy bowels and strong bones because we will be walking in the health of God’s way. When we are living in the wisdom of God, it is important not to eat anything that will cause your bowels to be weak.

8 – The Lord’s Wisdom is More Sturdy than Your Own Body

When we are living in the wisdom of God, our bodies are more steadfast and strong because we have chosen to follow the wisdom of God. It will protect us from the dangers of our environment and it will allow us to live in the fullness of our lives because we are focusing on God’s truth. It will also help us to stay focused and be able to see what we need to do in order to be successful.

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