1 Corinthians 12:9 – The Gifts of the Spirit

Today’s Superverse is 1 Corinthians 12:9 – To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gift of healing by that one Spirit

Chapter 12 discussed the gifts of the Spirit as healings and faith – an ability to trust God even against all odds, as demonstrated by Peter walking on water or George Mueller caring for thousands of orphans without asking for donations.

Paul describes many spiritual gifts, all stemming from one and the same Spirit. These should work collaboratively towards strengthening all members of the church.


Faith is God’s gift of assurance in His promises of fulfillment; this faith empowers believers to speak miracles into existence. Faith (pistis) means complete and confident trust as well as faithfulness or faithfulness; its Greek root word means complete and trustworthy trustworthiness.

People blessed with this spiritual talent have unshakeable faith in the promises of God even during difficult circumstances, enabling them to see what others cannot and endure hardships with optimism and grace.

Paul emphasizes the unity of gifts, ministries, and activities within one Spirit. There may be those who believe some miraculous gifts have passed on; however, Scripture indicates otherwise; all such miraculous gifts remain available today.


Wisdom is the supernatural ability to apply truth and guidance in everyday situations, inspiring the right judgment while encouraging believers to live according to God’s Word in all aspects of their life and ministry.

Knowledge allows us to gather facts and recite God’s truth, but wisdom allows us to put those truths into action and use them to address problems in ways that honor and glorify the Lord.

Revelatory gifts – particularly the word of knowledge – work hand in hand to enhance one another and form part of God’s larger purpose in building up His body, the church. Paul stresses the significance of these gifts for building up the body of Christ as much as for division within it, mirroring how there can be various people but one God, each offering their gifts that reflect diversity but unification within His Body.


Understanding is a gift that allows a person to easily grasp and penetrate the truths of faith, as well as grasp and penetrate their depths. With it comes an ability to see everything as God intended – created things as being signs from Him rather than idols that become attached or idols in one’s life.

Like wisdom and fear, humility is a spiritual gift that gives a person a greater level of virtue by helping them to feel detached from worldly pleasures. Additionally, humility enables a person to understand the spiritual nature of creation while distinguishing between good and evil; finally, it enables Christians to follow the Holy Spirit’s will when acting according to its wishes.


Paul emphasizes the different gifts, yet stresses they all come from one God. This serves as a reminder that just like there are different people but one body, spiritual gifts, and activities also exist within society but all serve a similar purpose.

Knowledge is the ability to comprehend information that could not otherwise be known by natural means. It could be understanding a Bible passage better or experiencing God in new ways in your own life, or perhaps you simply have insight into something God is planning. It could even come through as a personal revelation.

As with all spiritual gifts, this talent should be used for God’s glory rather than personal gain. To ensure you’re taking full advantage of what He’s given you, regularly assess both passion and experience to ensure you don’t overlook what’s been given you by the Almighty.


People with the gift of service can quickly identify unmet needs and seek ways to meet them, whether this means working behind the scenes to provide resources or helping other believers achieve ministry goals. People with this ability tend to give freely without expecting anything in return;

Paul lists numerous spiritual gifts: wisdom, faith, knowledge, discernment healing exhortation administration, and service as part of God’s gifts to his church. However, he emphasizes that all these abilities come from one Spirit and must serve for its good and not as means for self-promotion or competition among themselves; especially with regard to tongues or interpretation of tongues gifts.

1 Corinthians 129  The Gifts of God

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