Esther Sends Hatach to Speak With Mordecai

The Book of Esther provides an intriguing study in people responding to crisis through God’s call. In its opening chapter, Esther 3 describes Haman’s bloody decree against Jews and its immediate impact. Mordecai falls into deep mourning and begs Esther to intercede with King Ahasuerus on their behalf (4:1-6). However, Esther feels intimidated approaching his throne without first being summoned (5:1-6).

So she sent Hatach, one of her trusted servants, to speak to Mordecai outside the king’s gate in the city square–an open place that allowed for conversation (Esther 6:7). Mordecai informed him about the decree edict as well as mourning feelings he still harbored (Esther 6:8). Hatach then spoke with Mordecai. When Mordecai arrived he informed Hatach of this news as well. He began mourning as well and shared his sorrow for this news (Esther 6:7). Mordecai gave details regarding both events (Esther 6:8)

He warns him that, should Esther fail in her role as deliverer, their entire family could perish (Esther 7:10). It was a stark warning, for Esther was the final hope for Jewish survivors in Babylonia and her failure could mean all is lost (Esther 7:9).

Esther responds to Mordecai’s plea by agreeing to approach the throne; she stipulates one condition though–all Jews in Susa fast for her before she approaches him (6:8). Esther and her people had hope in God during these trying times, acknowledging His provision and acknowledging they had been called into this crisis (7:6).

Esther sends Hatach to speak with Mordecai

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