From Exodus to Revelation: Thinking Over God’s Story in the Bible

From Exodus to Revelation Thinking Over Gods Story in the BibleThe Bible describes God’s covenantal plan for redeeming his Image Bearers and creation through Jesus Christ, yet its contents remain mysterious. How is this story told?

Reading Scripture as an overall narrative is key for understanding its themes and plotlines, including creation, fall, redemption and new creation which ultimately point to Jesus Christ as its final fulfillment. Covenants all point toward this singular goal – or end point.

The Book of Exodus

The Book of Exodus recounts God’s rescue of His people from slavery in Egypt through Moses. God raises up Moses to lead them out and confound Pharaoh by unleashing ten plagues against his reigning power, Pharaoh.

Israel quickly recognizes through this experience that God stands apart from their localized gods and must be worshipped solely. Additionally, He provides clear expectations regarding His commandments and building of the tabernacle.

The Book of Numbers

The book of Numbers depicts Israel’s journey toward Canaan. While their unbelief often causes them to grumble and rebel against Him, He remains true to His word and eventually brings his people close to the threshold of their land.

Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy). Underlying all this lies the central theme of God’s covenant love for his people.

The Book of Deuteronomy

Moses composed Deuteronomy shortly before Israel had crossed over from Jordan into Canaan, and its sermons are filled with life or death urgency.

God makes clear in Scripture his covenant with Israel as his vassal people and his blessings and curses for their obedience or disobedience will follow them throughout history. These patterns will play out as Scripture continues its epic narrative.

The Book of Joshua

Joshua recounts God’s fulfillment of his promise to Israel through their exodus from Egypt and subsequent plagues, crossing of the sea and receiving of Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

This commentary also examines Joshua, Moses’ successor as leader of Israel. Joshua must follow Yahweh’s commands while following guidance provided by urim and thummim.

The Book of Judges

The Book of Judges presents an account of massive Israelite apostasy, foreign oppression, distress cries and God’s deliverance as part of an unfolding pattern that sets the stage for redemption in Scripture.

Othniel, Gideon, Shamgar, Jephthah and Ehud’s stories serve as anchor points in Samuel’s narrative arc; each hero answered God’s call to serve Him as judges. These narrative units also anticipate his eventual rule over Israel.

The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth celebrates God’s kingdom through loyalty and selfless love, demonstrated by Naomi’s Moabite daughters-in-law joining in her search for redemption (1:6, 2, 2:13, 4:1).

Boaz represents hope of restoration for everyone outside Israel’s tribe and nation; his covenant faithfulness contributes to salvation’s larger narrative.

The Book of 1 Samuel

This book marks the end of Israel’s Judges period and heralds its new monarchy period under King David and Saul. Samuel transitions from being one of Israel’s last judges into becoming its King-Maker, anointing Saul and David for leadership positions.

This book illuminates God’s hatred of prideful individuals and His desire to bless his people while dispersing enemies, while also exploring Israel’s scattering and regathering process.

The Book of 2 Samuel

The Book of 2 Samuel is an account of Israel’s greatest king. It celebrates his courage, honesty, and compassion while chronicling his misstep of adultery with Bathsheba and subsequent infanticide of their child born from that union.

Saul becomes jealous of David’s success and disobeys God, leading to Prophets foretelling that one of David’s descendants would perfectly fill his kingly role in future years.

The Book of 1 Kings

The Book of Kings begins with David’s eldest son Adonijah seeking the throne; but it falls to Solomon, who built a stunning temple, organized a successful kingdom and predicted Christ as its Savior.

The remaining portions of this book detail kings’ reigns and God’s attempts through prophets to restore Israel to covenant faithfulness; an imperative task as exile was imminent for both Israel and Judah.

The Book of 2 Kings

House highlights several lessons we can glean from the Book of 2 Kings. He emphasizes God’s unfailing grace even when sinners displease and dishonor Him.

Prophets frequently criticized Israel and Judah kings’ practice of worshipping idols throughout the book of Kings, warning them that continued idol worship could result in exile for their nation.

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