God Promises That There is No Condemnation – Romans 8:1

God promises That There is No Condemnation  Romans 81God Promises That There is No Condemnation – Romans 8:1

The theme of Paul’s letter to the Romans is that Jesus was “the propitiation for our sins” (Rom 4:24), and that all who trust in Him are forgiven and cleansed from sin. In Romans 8:1 we find two proofs of this: The first is the atonement that Christ made for us on the cross, and the second is the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers.

A New Mind & Heart – In the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit gives us a new mind and heart. He changes the way we think so that we love what is right and hate what is wrong.

It is this mind and heart that sets our focus on the things of the Lord, submitting to His Word and obeying Him. It is the mind and heart that makes us humble and grateful.

The most important aspect of this passage is that there is no condemnation for the believer in Christ, because God has already judged our sins on the cross. It is this fact that is so very, very comforting for the Christian.

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