Psalm 19:14 – Growing in God’s Word

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Psalm 19:14 – Growing in God’s Word

Psalm 19:14 is a prayer of confession and request to God. David confesses his sins and asks for God to forgive them, but he also wants to be protected from future sins.

It is a beautiful prayer to pray anytime, but it’s especially powerful when used as a response to God’s Word, which helps you grow as a Christian and develop a desire for what is right.

God’s Word is a precious gift from the Lord, sanctifying you and changing you as you study it. It is not only inspired, infallible, authoritative, and everlasting; it is a living, loving, and guiding word that will help you grow in your faith, love, hope, and strength.

We learn to desire and seek God’s Word as we spend time in it, reading, studying, memorizing, and applying it to our lives. It will change the way you think, speak, and act, as you seek to please God with all that you do.

Psalm 19:9-19 teaches us that the law and the commandments of God are perfect or complete, sure or certain, right or good. They are able to save you from death and help you make right choices in life.

This verse speaks of the laws and instructions God gave His people in the Mosaic Covenant. These laws and instructions are a special revelation from the Lord, which are free of any mixture of truth and error (cf. Psalm 1:3; 2:4; 9:2; 10:33). They are a pillar of the Christian’s faith and a source of guidance to live a godly life in the here and now.

The Law of the Lord is a restorative discipline that is effective in restoring us to a godly lifestyle and making us more pleasing to God. It is a tool that allows us to see the sins that have separated us from God, and it can help us to grow in a relationship with Him.

As you study God’s Word and apply it to your life, you will begin to recognize the sins that have separated you from God and want to make them a thing of the past. You will also begin to identify your own hidden faults and ask God to reveal them, so that you can repent and turn from them.

In verses 13 and 14, David prays that God will keep him from deliberate sin, that he will be blameless and innocent of great transgression. This is a wonderful prayer, one that all Christians can pray and practice.

This psalm was inserted toward the end of David’s life and is a beautiful expression of his trust in the law of God and his desire to please God in all that he does. It is a powerful prayer to pray when you are struggling with your faith or trying to figure out how to respond to the Lord’s call on your life.

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