Trust Jesus One Day at a Time – Matthew 6:34

Trust Jesus One Day at a Time Matthew 634

The key to freedom from worry is to trust Jesus one day at a time. This can be done by putting God first, making sure that your life reflects His character, and letting the Holy Spirit fills you with the wisdom of God.

We live in a world full of temptation. The lure of the passing pleasures of this world will always be there. However, our best defense is a good offense. As we begin to take the Lord’s plan seriously and put Him first in our lives, He begins to do more and more. When we heed the call, we find that He gives us more than we could ever imagine.

One of the most important things to do is to make a conscious decision each day to live for the kingdom of God. If you do this, you will have the peace of mind to enjoy all of the other benefits of being a Christian. Taking care of your physical body, storing up your treasures in heaven, and seeking after the gifts of the Lord are all good ways to begin a spiritual life.

It may seem counterintuitive, but God will take care of everything you need for today. He promises that He will bring good out of any situation, and He is willing to give us the grace we need to get through it. Therefore, it is wise to take the time to prepare for the future rather than worry about what will happen tomorrow.

There are many people who do not understand what the Lord is asking of them. If you are a new Christian, it can be difficult to understand what the Lord is asking of you. You might feel as if you don’t have the power or the passion to do what the Lord is asking. Even if you do have the drive and the passion, it is easy to become disillusioned. Instead, you should seek out God’s Word and trust in the heavenly Father’s love.

Jesus drew crowds of people who were desperate for hope. In the Sermon on the Mount, he gave them instruction on a variety of topics including anger, adultery, revenge, and anxiety. But there is one teaching in particular that is considered to be the most powerful: the teaching about not worrying.

This is because it teaches that Jesus has all the answers. Rather than wallowing in useless worry, you should trust the God who loves you, who has never failed you, and who can do anything.

Another lesson to be learned from this sermon is that no matter how large the calamity appears to be, it is always accompanied by Jesus. For example, when the disciples were afraid to go out into the storm, Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid; it is I.” (Matthew 14:27).

The other thing to remember is that each day you are given the choice to focus on the kingdom of God or on the kingdom of materialism. You can choose to focus on the kingdom of God and trust in the loving Father, or you can choose to focus on the kingdom of materialism and be a slave to the world.

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