For Whatever a Man Sows That He Will Also Reap – Galatians 6:7

A man reaps what he sows Galatians 67

Galatians 6:7 – For Whatever a Man Sows, That He Will Also Reap

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

Paul writes this to the Galatians, expressing his surprise and disgust at their departure from the truth of the Gospel.

Don’t Be Deceived

Do not be fooled by the adage that says a little bit of everything is good. The truth is, too much of anything can be bad. A brash attitude, a bit of social loafing, and a little too much of the good stuff can all come back to bite you in the end.

One of the best ways to avoid the pitfalls of modern-day Christianity is to keep an eye on the big picture. That means watching your spending, making wise financial decisions, and cultivating a healthy sense of gratitude for the blessings God has placed in your path. It also means staying on guard against the deceitful gimmicks that are all around us – be it the latest smartphone, a new car, or a trip to the movies. The best way to do this is by reading the Bible every day. It will help you avoid the most common missteps that cause you to miss out on the things you really need and want.

Don’t Be Misled

In Galatians 6:7, Paul begins his letter abruptly, compared to the way he usually opens his writings. He has heard that the churches in Galatia are deserting their faith in the gospel he taught them: the good news that Jesus died to fully pay for all our sins on the cross.

In their place, they have accepted a different gospel from him, one that requires them to do specific things to be saved. This is an astonishing thing for Paul to witness, because he had always believed that simple faith alone was enough to save.

This is a stark reminder that the world, including our own sinful natures, are full of deceivers. Satan is a master at deception, and he will use every means possible to keep people away from God.

Don’t Grow Weary

When we plant a seed, it takes time for it to mature and grow. Eventually, it will produce fruit; a harvest of eternal life. We need to keep planting our seeds of faith, and we need to keep believing that the harvest will come.

In Galatians 6:7, Paul urges his readers to not grow weary when it comes to planting their seeds of faith. He wants them to continue doing good for their brethren in the power of God’s Spirit. When they do this, their good works will bear fruit. In fact, their good works will bring them a harvest in this world and in the next!

But sometimes it is tempting to quit planting our seeds because we feel tired or overwhelmed. When this happens, it is important to remember that our seed has a specific season in which to produce and then, when the harvest comes, we will reap eternal life! Then we will have the opportunity to give thanks to God and tell others about the wonderful things He has done in our lives.

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