Moses: God’s Faithful Servant

Meet Moses, the faithful servant of God, and the focus of this captivating video by Saddleback Kids. Moses was born during a time when Israelite boys were not expected to live by faith. Against all odds, his parents hid him for three months, recognizing that he was no ordinary child. As Moses grew, he refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing instead to share in the pain of his people. Despite fears and insecurities, Moses answered God’s call to fulfill His plan, leading the Israelites out of Egypt and towards the promised land. Throughout their journey, God provided for His people and used Moses as a vessel to accomplish His good plan. This video delves into the remarkable story of Moses and his unwavering faith, showcasing the power of God’s guidance amidst adversity.

Click to view the Moses: Gods Faithful Servant.


In the Bible, Moses is portrayed as one of the most important figures in the Old Testament. His life was filled with incredible events and pivotal moments that shaped the course of history for the Israelite people. From his early life in Egypt to his leading the Israelites out of captivity, Moses’ journey is one of faith, courage, and obedience to God’s plan. In this article, we will explore the different stages of Moses’ life and the significant moments that defined his role as God’s servant and leader of the Israelites.

1. Moses’ Early Life

1.1 Israelite Boy Born in Egypt

Moses was born into a time when Israelite boys were not supposed to survive. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt, and Pharaoh had commanded that all male infants be killed. However, Moses’ parents saw something special in him and hid him for three months after his birth. Their faith in God’s plan for Moses would prove to be instrumental in his destiny.

1.2 Parents Hid Him

Recognizing their inability to hide Moses any longer, his parents made a decision that would change the course of his life forever. They placed him in a waterproof basket and set him adrift on the Nile River. It was an act of both desperation and hope, trusting that God had a plan for Moses’ life.

1.3 Adopted into Pharaoh’s Family

Miraculously, Moses’ basket was discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter while she was bathing in the river. She immediately felt compassion for the baby and decided to raise him as her own. Moses was adopted into Pharaoh’s family and grew up in the splendor and luxury of the Egyptian palace. Little did he know that his true identity and purpose would be revealed to him in the years to come.

2. Moses’ Decision to Identify with His People

2.1 Refusing to be Known as the Son of Pharaoh’s Daughter

As Moses grew older, he became aware of his Hebrew heritage and the suffering of his people. Despite the privileges and prestige that came with being considered Pharaoh’s grandson, Moses chose not to identify as such. He refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter and instead aligned himself with the Hebrew slaves.

2.2 Choosing to Share in the Pain of His People

Moses’ decision to identify with his people went beyond simply renouncing his Egyptian status. He chose to share in their pain and struggle, forsaking the temporary pleasures of sin in order to pursue God’s greater reward. His conviction and empathy made him a champion for his people and prepared him for the role that God had planned for him.

3. Moses’ Mistake and Exile

3.1 Fleeing Egypt for Fear of Being Killed

Despite his devotion to the Israelites, Moses made a grave mistake that forced him into exile. After witnessing an Egyptian taskmaster mistreating a Hebrew slave, Moses’ anger got the better of him, and he killed the Egyptian. Fearing for his life, Moses fled Egypt and sought refuge in the land of Midian.

3.2 Living with the Midianites

Moses spent many years living among the Midianites, leaving behind his life of privilege and embracing a humbler existence. It was during this time that he met and married Zipporah, the daughter of a Midianite priest named Jethro. Moses’ years in Midian would prove to be a time of preparation and transformation, as God’s plan for him slowly unfolded.

4. God’s Call and Moses’ Fear

4.1 God Speaks to Moses through a Burning Bush

While Moses was tending to his father-in-law’s flock, he encountered a remarkable sight. A bush was on fire but not consumed by the flames. As Moses drew closer, God spoke to him from within the burning bush, revealing His presence and His plan for Moses.

4.2 God Calls Moses to Fulfill His Plan

God called Moses back to Egypt, instructing him to confront Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelite slaves. However, Moses was filled with fear and doubted his own abilities. He did not believe he was the right person for the job. In response to Moses’ apprehension, God provided him with his brother Aaron to serve as a helper and a spokesperson.

5. Moses Leads the Israelites Out of Egypt

5.1 Asking Pharaoh to Let God’s People Go

Armed with God’s message and with Aaron by his side, Moses approached Pharaoh and demanded the release of the Israelites. However, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he repeatedly refused their request. As a result, Egypt experienced a series of plagues and disasters, each one worsening Pharaoh’s resolve and testing Moses’ faith.

5.2 Hardship Due to Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart

Pharaoh’s hardened heart brought immense suffering upon the Egyptian people and the Israelites. Plagues such as blood, frogs, and locusts devastated the land. Yet, through it all, Moses remained steadfast and obedient to God’s instructions. He served as God’s instrument to deliver the Israelites from slavery and lead them towards the promised land.

6. The Journey through the Red Sea

6.1 Crossing the Red Sea on Dry Ground

One of the most well-known and miraculous events associated with Moses is the parting of the Red Sea. As the Israelites approached the sea with the Egyptians in pursuit, God commanded Moses to stretch out his staff, causing the waters to part. The Israelites walked through the parted sea on dry ground, experiencing the power and faithfulness of God firsthand.

6.2 Faith in the Invisible God

The crossing of the Red Sea was a testament to Moses’ unwavering faith in God, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. He trusted in the invisible God, allowing Him to guide and protect his people throughout their journey. It was Moses’ faith, along with God’s mighty power, that led the Israelites to safety and freedom.

7. Wandering in the Desert

7.1 Years of Wandering

Following their departure from Egypt, the Israelites embarked on a prolonged period of wandering in the desert. This wilderness journey lasted for forty years, during which time Moses faced numerous challenges as he led the people through unknown territories, harsh conditions, and personal disbelief.

7.2 God’s Provision and Laws

Despite the difficult circumstances, God provided for the Israelites’ physical needs. Manna rained down from heaven as sustenance, and water flowed from a rock to quench their thirst. Additionally, Moses received the Ten Commandments and other laws from God, serving as a guide for the Israelites’ conduct, worship, and relationship with Him.

8. God’s Care and Accomplishments through Moses

8.1 Taking Care of His People

Throughout the journey, God demonstrated His care and love for His people through the leadership of Moses. Moses interceded on behalf of the Israelites, imploring God’s mercy and forgiveness when they strayed from His ways. He remained a steadfast, compassionate shepherd, always seeking their well-being.

8.2 Using Moses to Accomplish His Good Plan

Moses played a crucial role in fulfilling God’s plan for the Israelites. He served as a mediator between God and His people, delivering divine instructions, leading them in worship, and resolving conflicts. Through Moses’ obedience and service, God accomplished His good plan of transforming a band of slaves into a nation chosen to reflect His glory.


The life of Moses is a testament to the power of faith, obedience, and God’s unfailing guidance. From his early years as an Israelite boy born in Egypt to his role as the leader of the Israelites, Moses exemplified devotion and trust in God’s plan. His journey was not without challenges and mistakes, but through it all, Moses remained committed to serving as God’s servant and fulfilling His purposes. His life continues to inspire and encourage believers to follow God wholeheartedly, even in the face of adversity.

Check out the Moses: Gods Faithful Servant here.

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