Moses, God’s Servant (Exodus-Deuteronomy)

In “Moses, God’s Servant (Exodus-Deuteronomy),” you will explore the incredible journey of Moses, an Israelite boy born into a time of great peril. Raised in the Egyptian palace, Moses made the brave choice to identify with his enslaved people, leading to a series of profound events directed by God. From his miraculous survival as an infant to the divine calling at the burning bush, you’ll see how Moses’s faith guided him through daunting challenges.

As you follow Moses’s story in the video by Saddleback Kids, witness his unwavering dedication to God’s plan, despite personal fears and obstacles. You will see how his leadership, bolstered by his brother Aaron, brought the Israelites out of Egypt and sustained them through years of wandering in the desert. Understand the significance of the laws and commandments given to them and appreciate how Moses played a pivotal role in setting God’s people on the path to the Promised Land.

Moses, Gods Servant (Exodus-Deuteronomy)

Early Life and Adoption

Moses’s Birth in a Time of Oppression

Imagine being born in a place where your very existence is under threat. That was the reality for Moses, born in an era when the Pharaoh of Egypt decreed that all newborn Israelite boys were to be killed. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt, enduring brutal conditions and suffering. It was a time of grave oppression, and the birth of Moses in such a tumultuous period set the stage for a life filled with extraordinary events.

Hiding Moses for Three Months

Moses’s parents recognized that their child was special, sensing perhaps a divine purpose. Driven by faith and hope, they defied Pharaoh’s cruel edict and hid baby Moses for three months. You can imagine the tension and the constant fear of being discovered. For his parents, this act of courage and faith wasn’t just about preserving their son’s life; it was about standing against a repressive regime that sought to eradicate their future generation.

Adoption into Pharaoh’s Family

When hiding Moses became too dangerous, his mother placed him in a basket and set him afloat on the Nile River, trusting God with his fate. Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby and, moved by compassion, decided to adopt him. Moses grew up in the Egyptian palace, benefiting from the privileges and education of royalty. Yet, this twist of fate was all part of a larger, divine plan.

Moses’s Choice

Refusal to Be Known as Pharaoh’s Daughter’s Son

Despite the luxurious life and noble status, Moses never forgot his roots or the plight of his people. As he grew into adulthood, he made a pivotal choice—to refuse to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. This wasn’t a simple act of rebellion but a heartfelt decision to identify with his fellow Israelites, who were suffering as slaves under the harsh rule of Egypt.

Choosing to Share His People’s Pain

Moses chose to share in the suffering and pain of his people rather than enjoy the fleeting pleasures and privileges of Egyptian royalty. In doing so, he embraced his true heritage and answered a moral calling that would pave the way for his future role as a leader and liberator. Moses’s choice was driven by a vision of a greater reward, not just for himself, but for the entire Israelite nation.

Looking Ahead to His Great Reward

Moses’s decision to join the suffering of his people wasn’t made on a whim. He was looking ahead to a greater reward, one that was spiritual and eternal. His faith was centered on the promises of God, and this forward-looking perspective gave him the strength and resolve to pursue a path fraught with difficulties and dangers.

Exile in Midian

Fleeing Egypt After a Mistake

In a moment of passionate defense of his people, Moses killed an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite slave. When his action became known, he feared for his life and fled Egypt, finding refuge in the land of Midian. This exile was not merely an escape but a period of transformation and preparation for his divine mission.

Life Among the Midianites

In Midian, Moses settled into a quieter life as a shepherd, far removed from the opulence of Egypt’s royal court. He married Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro, a Midianite priest. This simple shepherd life allowed Moses to develop patience, humility, and leadership skills—all qualities that would later be crucial in leading the Israelites.

The Burning Bush

God’s Call to Moses

One ordinary day while tending to his flock, Moses encountered an extraordinary sight—a bush that was burning but not consumed by the flames. From this burning bush, God called out to Moses, revealing His plan to liberate the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. This divine encounter marked a turning point in Moses’s life, calling him to serve a purpose far greater than he could have imagined.

Moses’s Fears and Doubts

Receiving a direct call from God could be overwhelming, and Moses was no exception. He was filled with fears and doubts about his ability to fulfill such a monumental task. Moses questioned his worthiness and expressed concerns about his speaking abilities. But God reassured him, promising divine support and guidance. Sometimes, stepping into your destiny requires a leap of faith, even when doubts linger.

Return to Egypt

Partnership with Aaron

Understanding Moses’s apprehensions, God appointed his brother Aaron to be his spokesperson. This partnership between Moses and Aaron provided the support system Moses needed to confront Pharaoh. Together, they formed a dynamic duo, each complementing the other’s strengths in their mission to free the Israelites.

Request for Pharaoh to Let God’s People Go

Armed with divine authority and a mission, Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh with a bold request—to let the Israelites go so they could worship their God. Predictably, Pharaoh resisted, setting the stage for a dramatic showdown between God’s plan and Pharaoh’s hardened heart.

The Plagues of Egypt

Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart

Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he refused to heed Moses and Aaron’s request. This defiance led to a series of divinely orchestrated plagues that struck the heart of Egypt, each more devastating than the last. Pharaoh’s stubbornness not only prolonged the suffering of his own people but also showcased God’s power and determination to free the Israelites.

The Series of Plagues

The plagues were a direct assault on the very fabric of Egyptian society and their pantheon of gods. From turning the Nile water into blood to swarms of locusts and the plague of darkness, each calamity served as a testament to God’s supremacy. Despite the escalating severity, Pharaoh continually reneged on his promises, causing further plagues to befall Egypt.

Final Plague and the Passover

The final plague was the most severe—the death of every firstborn in Egypt. However, God provided a way of salvation for the Israelites through the Passover. By marking their doorposts with the blood of a lamb, they were spared from this devastating judgment. This event not only led to their release from slavery but also became a cornerstone of their faith and identity.

The Exodus

Departure from Egypt

After the final plague, Pharaoh finally relented, and the Israelites left Egypt in haste. This mass departure, known as the Exodus, marked the beginning of their journey towards the Promised Land. Laden with hopes, dreams, and the weight of their collective past, they set out under Moses’s leadership.

Crossing the Red Sea

Pharaoh’s change of heart was short-lived, and he pursued the fleeing Israelites with his army. Trapped between Pharaoh’s forces and the Red Sea, it seemed like an inescapable trap. But in a miraculous display of divine intervention, Moses parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground. When Pharaoh’s army followed, the waters returned, drowning them and securing God’s people’s escape.

Journey Towards the Promised Land

With their path miraculously cleared, the Israelites embarked on a journey towards the Promised Land. This was not merely a physical relocation but a profound spiritual pilgrimage. Each step was a move away from bondage and towards the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Desert Wanderings

Duration in the Desert

The journey to the Promised Land was not a direct route. Due to various acts of disobedience and lack of faith, the Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years. This extended period served as both a punishment and a time of preparation.

Provisions of Food and Water

During their desert sojourn, God provided for the Israelites’ basic needs in miraculous ways. Manna, a type of heavenly bread, appeared each morning, and quail provided meat when needed. Water flowed from rocks at Moses’s command, showcasing God’s constant provision even in a barren land.

God’s Presence with the Israelites

God’s presence was visibly manifested through a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, guiding and protecting the Israelites throughout their journey. This tangible manifestation was a reassurance of His continual presence and an encouragement to trust His guidance.

The Ten Commandments and the Law

Receiving the Ten Commandments

High atop Mount Sinai, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. These tablets of stone, inscribed by God Himself, were given as fundamental laws to govern the Israelite community. They encapsulated the core principles of their relationship with God and with each other.

Additional Laws and Rules

Beyond the Ten Commandments, Moses received numerous other laws and rules to guide various aspects of Israelite life. These included ceremonial laws, moral statutes, and civil guidelines. These laws were designed to set the Israelites apart as a holy nation dedicated to God.

Purpose of the Laws

The laws provided a framework for living in a manner that reflected their unique relationship with God. They were not just about following rules but about fostering a community characterized by justice, compassion, and holiness. These laws were intended to help the Israelites live out their identity as God’s chosen people.


Faithfulness of Moses

Throughout his extraordinary life, Moses exemplified faithfulness to God’s call. From the palaces of Egypt to the wilderness of Midian, and from the Burning Bush to Mount Sinai, Moses’s journey was marked by obedience and a deep sense of purpose.

God’s Plan Through Moses

Moses’s life was intricately woven into God’s plan for His people. His leadership and faith were instrumental in liberating the Israelites from physical and spiritual bondage, setting the stage for their eventual settlement in the Promised Land.

The Significance of Moses in Biblical History

Moses holds a place of great significance in biblical history. His life and work prefigure the ultimate deliverance found in Jesus Christ and serve as a testament to the power of faith and obedience. Moses’s story encourages all to trust in God’s plan, even when faced with insurmountable odds. Through his leadership, courage, and unwavering faith, Moses not only changed the course of his people’s history but also left an indelible mark on the spiritual heritage of humanity.

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