The Promise of a Son

In “The Promise of a Son,” the story of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 18 and 21 is retold through a captivating video by Saddleback Kids. Abraham, a great man of faith, was instructed by God to leave his home in Haran and move to Canaan with his wife Sarah. Despite being childless and old, Abraham trusted in God’s promise that he would become the father of many nations. One day, as Abraham was sitting in front of his tent, he saw three men standing nearby, whom he knew were sent by God. He welcomed them, prepared a meal, and took care of them. During their conversation, the men shared that Sarah would have a son in the following year, which seemed impossible given their age. Sarah, who had been listening, laughed in disbelief. The Lord questioned Abraham about Sarah’s laughter and assured them that nothing is too hard for Him. True to His promise, Sarah gave birth to a son named Isaac, bringing laughter and joy to their old age.

The video by Saddleback Kids emphasizes the faith and trust of Abraham and Sarah, highlighting God’s ability to fulfill His chosen promises regardless of human doubt. It is a powerful story that showcases the faithfulness of God and His ability to bring joy even in seemingly impossible circumstances. “The Promise of a Son” is a testament to the power of faith and the unexpected ways in which God works in our lives.

Click to view the The Promise of a Son.

The Background of Abraham

Abraham, a man of great faith, had been living in the land of Haran with his family for many years when God spoke to him. God told Abraham to pack up everything and move with his wife Sarah to a land called Canaan. This message from God was accompanied by a promise – if Abraham obeyed, he would become the father to many nations. This promise, however, was confusing to Abraham and Sarah since they had no children of their own. Nevertheless, Abraham had faith that God would fulfill His promise.

Abraham’s life in Haran

Abraham and his family had settled in the land of Haran, where they had been living for many years. It was in Haran that God spoke to Abraham and called him to move to Canaan. Haran was a place of comfort and familiarity for Abraham, so picking up everything and relocating was a significant decision. Yet, Abraham trusted in God’s plan and was willing to leave behind the familiar for the unknown.

God’s call to Abraham to move to Canaan

God’s call to Abraham to move to Canaan was not without purpose. He made Abraham a promise – that he would become the father to many nations if he obeyed. This promise was a test of Abraham’s trust in God’s faithfulness and his willingness to follow His instructions. Despite the confusion of not having any children, Abraham believed in God’s promise and was ready to embark on this journey with Sarah by his side.

The Promise of Becoming a Father

Abraham and Sarah had yearned for a child, but their old age and Sarah’s barrenness had made it seem impossible. Abraham was confused and questioned how he could become the father to many nations without any offspring. However, God reassured Abraham of His promise and affirmed that despite their current circumstances, they would indeed have a child.

Abraham’s confusion about having no children

Abraham and Sarah had been married for many years, yet they had no children. This lack of offspring caused confusion and doubt for Abraham, especially after God’s promise to make him the father to many nations. It seemed impossible that he could fulfill this role without any children to carry on his lineage. However, Abraham remained hopeful and trusted that God had a plan.

God’s promise to make Abraham the father of many nations

In response to Abraham’s confusion and doubt, God reiterated His promise to make Abraham the father of many nations. He assured Abraham that despite their current circumstances, they would indeed have a child. This promise was a testament to God’s faithfulness and His ability to fulfill what seemed impossible.

The Encounter with Three Men

One day, while Abraham was sitting in front of his tent, he saw three men standing nearby. He immediately recognized that these men were sent by God and approached them with reverence and humility. Abraham invited them to stay with him, extending his hospitality and taking care of their needs.

Abraham’s recognition of the men sent by God

Abraham’s strong faith and discernment allowed him to recognize that the three men he encountered were sent by God. He understood the significance of their presence and approached them with respect and humility. This encounter would prove to be pivotal in Abraham’s life and in the fulfillment of God’s promise.

Abraham’s hospitality towards the men

Upon recognizing the men as messengers from God, Abraham extended his hospitality and took excellent care of them. He prepared a meal for them and made sure they felt welcomed and cared for. Abraham’s hospitality revealed his character and his reverence for God, setting an example for others to follow.

The Announcement of Sarah’s Son

During their time together, the men inquired about Sarah’s whereabouts. In response, one of the men revealed that Sarah would give birth to a son around the same time the following year. This announcement was met with disbelief and laughter, both from Sarah and Abraham, due to their old age.

The men’s inquiry about Sarah’s whereabouts

As the three men engaged in conversation with Abraham, they inquired about the whereabouts of Sarah. Their question revealed that they were aware of Sarah’s presence and held knowledge about her future. This inquiry set the stage for the announcement of the miracle that would unfold in Sarah’s life.

The announcement of Sarah giving birth to a son

In the midst of their doubt and laughter, the men announced to Abraham and Sarah that she would give birth to a son in their old age. Despite the seemingly impossible odds, God was faithful to His promise. Sarah’s skepticism was met with the Lord’s question about her laughter, reminding her that nothing is too hard for God.

Sarah’s Doubt and Laughter

Upon hearing the announcement of her impending motherhood, Sarah couldn’t help but laugh. The idea of conceiving and giving birth at her advanced age seemed impossible and absurd. Sarah’s doubt and laughter reflected the human tendency to question things that seem beyond our comprehension.

Sarah’s laughter due to her and Abraham’s old age

Sarah’s laughter was not one of joyous anticipation but rather a reaction to the absurdity of the situation. Both she and Abraham were well beyond their childbearing years, making the prospect of having a child seem ludicrous. Yet, God’s promises often defy human logic and understanding.

God’s question about Sarah’s laughter

In response to Sarah’s laughter, the Lord questioned Abraham about his wife’s doubt. The question was not intended to shame or condemn Sarah but to highlight the power and faithfulness of God. It served as a reminder that nothing is too difficult for the Lord, and His promises will always prevail.

The Faithfulness of God’s Promise

Despite their doubts and laughter, Sarah gave birth to a son named Isaac the following year. This miraculous birth was a testament to the faithfulness of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah. It proved that God’s plans are not limited by human limitations or circumstances.

The birth of Sarah’s son named Isaac

As God had promised, Sarah gave birth to a healthy son named Isaac. This event marked the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah, and it brought immeasurable joy and laughter into their lives. Isaac’s birth served as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and His ability to bring forth new beginnings even in the midst of impossible situations.

The fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham

With the birth of Isaac, God fulfilled His promise to Abraham, making him the father of many nations. Abraham’s faith and trust in God were rewarded, demonstrating the importance of placing our confidence in God’s promises and His perfect timing. The fulfillment of this promise was not only a blessing for Abraham and Sarah but also for future generations.

The Significance of the Name

The name given to Sarah’s son holds great significance. Isaac, which means “he laughs,” reflected the laughter that both Sarah and Abraham experienced when they first heard the promise of his birth. It served as a reminder of the joy and laughter that Isaac would bring into their lives and the lives of those around him.

The meaning of the name Isaac

The name Isaac comes from the Hebrew word “Yitzchak,” which means “he laughs.” This name captured the essence of the emotions that Sarah and Abraham initially felt upon hearing about their future child. Isaac’s name would forever serve as a reminder of the faithfulness of God and the unexpected joy that he brought into their lives.

The joy and laughter brought by Isaac

Isaac’s birth brought immeasurable joy and laughter to Abraham and Sarah. Despite their doubts and initial laughter, they experienced the deep joy that comes from seeing God’s promises fulfilled. Isaac’s presence in their lives marked a new chapter filled with laughter, blessings, and a reminder of the faithfulness of God.

Sarah’s Reflections

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Sarah proclaimed God’s faithfulness and celebrated the laughter that Isaac brought into their lives. She acknowledged that God had indeed brought her laughter and that all who heard about this miracle would rejoice with her. Sarah’s declaration reflected her deep faith and trust in God’s plan.

Sarah’s declaration of God’s faithfulness

In response to the fulfillment of God’s promise, Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me.” Her words were a testament to God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises and a declaration of gratitude for His miraculous work in her life.

The laughter and joy shared by all

The birth of Isaac brought laughter and joy not only to Abraham and Sarah but also to all those who witnessed this miracle. The impossible had become possible, and the laughter that once stemmed from doubt had transformed into laughter of joy and awe at God’s faithfulness. Isaac’s birth was a reminder that God’s plans are always greater than our own.

Lessons Learned from Abraham and Sarah

The story of Abraham and Sarah holds valuable lessons for all believers. It teaches us the importance of having faith in God’s promises, even when they seem impossible to fulfill. Abraham’s unwavering trust in God and Sarah’s eventual submission to His plan demonstrate the power of God to accomplish what seems impossible in our lives.

The importance of faith in God’s promises

Abraham’s faith in God’s promises serves as an example for all of us. Despite the confusion and doubt that arose from his circumstances, Abraham chose to believe in God’s faithfulness. This unwavering faith paved the way for God’s promises to be fulfilled in his life.

The power of God to fulfill what seems impossible

The story of Abraham and Sarah reminds us of the power and sovereignty of God. No matter how impossible a situation may seem, God can surpass all human limitations and fulfill His promises in ways we never imagined. Their story encourages us to trust in God’s timing and to believe that He is faithful to His word.


Reflecting on the faithfulness of God, we are reminded of the story of Abraham and Sarah. Their journey from doubt and laughter to the fulfillment of God’s promises is a testament to His unwavering faithfulness. We are encouraged to embrace the promise of a son in our own lives, placing our trust in God’s plans and His perfect timing. Like Abraham and Sarah, we can rest assured that God’s promises never fail, and He will bring about laughter and joy in our lives.

Discover more about the The Promise of a Son.

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