2 Corinthians 5:17 – What Does it Mean to Be a New Creation in Christ?

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2 Corinthians 5:17 – What Does it Mean to Be a New Creation in Christ?

There are two Greek words that are translated as “new.” One is a word for “new in time,” and the other is a word for “new in kind.” The difference is important because when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, God creates a new you. He makes you a “new creation,” a new species, and a new position in His eyes.

A person who is a new creation in Christ walks differently. He takes a different course of action, and he chooses different leaders to walk with and companions to spend his time with. He makes choices based on what is good and right rather than on the old things that are encumbered by sin and death.

This is the kind of life God expects from a child of His, and the kind that He desires for us. We should always desire to live to please Him, even when the temptation is strong to live for ourselves or for worldly desires.

In this verse, Paul explains how Christ is the Mediator who reconciles us to God. He says that in Christ, all our trespasses have been forgiven and not counted against us. This is a wonderful gift of God.

The newness of being a Christian is the reality that God has taken your sin and made it ungodly and now you are His child, a new creation in Him. This is the true meaning of being a Christian, and it is what you should strive for in your life.

Another way to look at this is that you are a new creation in Christ by sanctification, which means that God has given you a choice. You are a new creation because He has sanctified you, and you are sanctified by restraining your love for sin and loving God more.

You are a new creation because of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and works through your faith. He is the power behind your salvation, and he is working on you to make you more like Him (Philippians 4:13-14).

So when you become a new creation in Christ, God has done something special to you that will change your life forever. He has created a new you, and this will change your entire outlook on life. It will empower you to walk in righteousness, which is what you are called to do in this life.

This is the power that enables you to resist temptation and overcome any situation in your life. It is the same power that Jesus had when He walked on water and healed people, even though He was suffering as a sinner.

We can only know this by experience, and we can only know it when we put our faith in Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work through our lives. The more we grow in our faith and love for Christ, the easier it will be to fight against sin. And the better we get at resisting sin, the more we will hate it more and more.

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