Do Not Be Conformed to This World – Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world  Romans 122

Do not be conformed to this world – Romans 12:2

As a Christian, you are called to live in the world but not in it. This means that you should pattern your life after the Lord (see 1 Peter 2:21), not according to the principles and customs of this world.

You are to resist the conformity of this world, and you should focus on your relationship with God by feeding on His word regularly, and by meditating on it. This will transform your mind and allow you to be in the will of God for your life.

This verse also speaks of being transformed by the renewing of your mind, which is another way to think of this verse. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Having the mind of Christ is one of the most important things you can do as a Christian, because it will determine all of your choices and actions in this life and into eternity. It will help you know what is right and wrong.

It is not just an idea, it is a lifelong process. It is very difficult but it is vitally important for Christians to get this right!

The NKJV and ESV translate this verse as “Don’t be conformed to the pattern of this age.” However, in the NIV version the phrase is translated as “Don’t be conformed by the system or style of this age.” Therefore, they emphasize the importance of being able to test and approve the will of God.

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