Fear Not – Truths About God’s Promises About The Power Of Fear

Fear not, the Bible reveals some truths about God’s promises about the power of fear. In Exodus, the Israelites acknowledge being afraid of a fortified army that would conquer their land. They recall God’s promises to give them land and cast their anxieties on the Lord. The Israelites believed in God’s word in spite of their fear. The story of Job illustrates how fear can block our vision of God’s promises, power, and plan.

Exodus 14:13-14And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Do not be afraid

Fear Not - Truths About God's Promises About The Power Fear

One of God’s most encouraging promises is not to be afraid. Exodus 14:13-14 states that “Fear not; stand still.” This is a powerful reminder that God has taken the initiative to fight for his people and that the Egyptians will never see you again. The Lord will fight for you, and you will hold peace with him. Fear can paralyze us and trap us in our fears. But, fear is not always bad. Christians should remember three things about fear:

Do not be dismayed

The Bible’s promise that we shouldn’t fear is repeated over again. We often hear “fear not” at the beginning of God’s instructions, and this is a good thing because fear is a natural response to a divine encounter. This promise isn’t limited to extreme situations, either. God’s words and instructions apply to every aspect of our lives.

Do not be anxious

One of the most common prayers is to “cast your cares on the Lord,” and this is a good place to start. But it is also important to understand what anxiety really is. Having anxiety is a serious health problem, not only for yourself but also for those around you. Several scriptures in the Bible address the topic of anxiety, including Philippians 4: 6-7do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Do not be afraid of adversity

Fear Not - Truths About God's Promises About The Power Fear

If you are afraid of adversity, you are tying the hands of God. The enemy uses fear to keep people from trusting him. But if you trust God, he will give you the strength you need to overcome your adversity. God’s promises about not being afraid of adversity will help you stand firm in the face of adversity.

Do not be afraid of failure

Fear of failure is a paralyzing emotion. But courage happens when you start doing. You must put one foot in front of the other and answer the call of God. What’s holding you back from answering this call? Fear of failure can be a deterrent to pursuing God’s will. So how do you overcome your fear of failure and step out in faith? Here are some steps you can take:

Do not be afraid of suffering

You may be afraid of suffering, but God’s promises can give you hope. In the Old Testament, we read of the Israelites’ struggle in taking the Promised Land. They had to face great and dangerous enemies, but God’s promises to protect them kept them from fear and continued to be faithful even when they faced suffering. God parted the Red Sea, proving His power and reliability. Moreover, God promised never-ending love to those who live in His will.

Do not be afraid of death

Fear Not - Truths About God's Promises About The Power Fear

There are many reasons for a person to fear death. Some people feel like there is still a lot of life left to live and unfinished business. These are not the reasons you should fear death, but they can be helpful in overcoming your fears of dying. One way to do this is by writing your will. Writing it down will allow you to leave it in God’s hands. Another way to face death is to acknowledge the fact that you will die anyway.

Thoughts To Ponder

Do not be afraid of the spiritual giants

Spiritual giants are obstacles that stand in the way of your success in life. They can seem intimidating and difficult to overcome, but God is able to remove them. What you have read are some examples of giants that you may have to face: Are you afraid of spiritual giants? Do you feel dismayed? Worried about the world’s problems? Don’t be because God is in total control.

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